The thing is, if you were to write, say, a /msg alias, then you cannot use /msg, or .msg, in order to send the text, at least so long as recursion is allowed. For example, you might have something to change the way messages look when sent, like:

alias msg {
echo -ta ( $+ $me $+ -> $+ $1 $+ ) $2-
.msg $1 $2-

That would be an infinite loop if recursion is allowed, and might go unnoticed in a more complicated alias. Anyone with something like that would have to go through to replace that command with /raw privmsg, !msg, etc instead, which is just extra work. On the other hand, if you happen to need recursion in an alias for a chat program, which i imagine would have to be relatively rare, the two-alias method is fine, and leaving things the way they are won't break anything.

P.S. If you need efficiency, why are you writing it in mirc script to begin with?

If I knew now what I will know then... maybe things will have been different...