
You didnt select all the nicks tho?

I know, it was along the lines of what FiberOPtics suggested. grin


My personal fav for sillyness would be do excactly what he asked for...

I did what he asked for too, or atleast I think I did.

on me:*:Join:#: {
  %getnicks.chan = $chan
  .timerGetnicks 1 1 getnicks

alias getnicks {
  var %x = $nick(%getnicks.chan,0)
  while (%x) {
    sline -a %getnicks.chan %x
    .timer 1 $calc(%x + 1) .msg $nick(%getnicks.chan,%x) Hello $nick(%getnicks.chan,%x)
    dec %x

The only difference is that you added a silly $1 ($chan) and moved the msg between the two closing braces. We really do have a silly thread here.. grin