On the continuing of sillyness..

You didnt select all the nicks tho?

on me:*:Join:#: {
  .timer 1 1 selectnicks $chan
alias selectnicks {
  var %i = $nick($1,0) | while (%i) { sline -a $1 %i | dec %i }
  msg $1 Hello $replace($snicks,$chr(44),$chr(44) $+ $chr(32)) $+ .
  ;^ I suspect the script to go spalt on its face at this moment when the string to long error occurs unless only a few uasers are in channel.

My personal fav for sillyness would be do excactly what he asked for...

I'm not sure if this is even possable and figured i'd ask before I even attempted to try it but is it possible to select all the nicks in the nicklist after joining a channel and saying hello to them all at once?

on me:*:Join:#: {
  .timer 1 1 selectnicks $chan
alias selectnicks {
  var %i = $nick($1,0) | while (%i) { sline -a $1 %i | dec %i }
  msg $1 hello to them all at once?

What? What! Why is everyone laughng at me?