I (*think* I) know what he means, don't know how to resolve what he wants though...

If you upen mIRC and have the status window tiled (as opposed to maxamise) when you open another window (be it channel/custom etc) it is also tiled.

i.e. it is not set to fit in the whole mIRC window.

|M|mIRC - [Status]            |_||X|
|                                   |<---Main mIRC Window
|  __________________               |
| | Status     |_||X|<-------------|---Status Window
| |--- ______________|___           |
| |   | #Channel   |_||X|          |
| |   |------------------|          |
| |   |                |^|          |
| |   |                |-|          |
| |   |                | |<---------|---Channel Window
| |   |                |[color:#666666][/color]|          |
| |   |                | |          |
| |___|                | |          |
| |___|                |-|          |
|     |________________|_|          |
|     |__________________|          |
|                                   |
||Status|#Channel|@Custom|          |<-----Toolbar (Window List)
|START|[color:red]mIRC[/color]|[color:blue]Word[/color]|[color:blue]Outlook[/color]|      [color::#666666]13:34[/color]|

Basically, these windows are tiled. He wants to open a window, maxamise it (not Restore) so it fits the main mIRC window, and then minimise it
