How can i make this code to work with wildcards
example : *shi* *f*ck* ..etc
on @*:TEXT:*:#: {
if ($nick !isop #) {
var %i = 0
while (%i < $numtok($read(swear.txt,1),32)) {
inc %i
var %current.word = $gettok($read(swear.txt,1),%i,32) {
if ($istok($strip($1-),%current.word,32) == $true) {
set -u3600 %rl. [ $+ [ $address($nick,2) ] ] $calc( %rl. [ $+ [ $address($nick,2) ] ] + 1)
if (%rl. [ $+ [ $address($nick,2) ] ] == 1) {
notice $nick Please don't! - this is your first warning!
if (%rl. [ $+ [ $address($nick,2) ] ] == 2) {
notice $nick Please don't! - this is your second warning next time you will be banned!
if (%rl. [ $+ [ $address($nick,2) ] ] >= 3) {
ban -k $chan $nick 2 Banned for $duration($duration(24 hrs)) --> $ifmatch <--