Menu channel,status {
  Update Hash List:{
    window -esn @files
    echo -a 11,2Processing File List, Please Wait...................
    echo -a 11,2Adding $findfile($mp3dir,*.mp3,0,aline @files $1- ) files, I am doing further processing now.
    savebuf @files neorawfiles.txt
    window -c @files
    var %songno $lines(neorawfiles.txt)
    while %songno > 0 {
      hadd -m filelist file $+ %songno $read(neorawfiles.txt,%songno)
      dec %songno
    echo -a 11,2Finished adding4,2 $lines(neorawfiles.txt) 11,2files to the filelist hash table
  [color:red]Test update hash list:{
    if $hget(filelist) { hfree filelist }
    hmake filelist 1000
    .!echo -q $findfile($mp3dir,*.mp3,0,hadd filelist $+(file,$calc($hget(filelist,0).item +1)) $1-)