About mIRC v5.8+
Try this:
//mode # +b aaa!*@*
--> * _geo_ sets mode: +b aaa!*@*
//mode # +b bbb!*@*
--> * _geo_ sets mode: +b bbb!*@*
//mode # +b ccc!*@*
--> * _geo_ sets mode: +b ccc!*@*
//echo -a $ibl(#,0)
--> 3Now part and rejoin this channel...
--> * Attempting to rejoin channel #xxxxxx
--> * Rejoined channel #xxxxxx
//echo -a $ibl(#,0)
--> 0(not only the 1st time)
So if you want to write an remote like this:
on *:JOIN:#: {
if ($nick == $me) {
var %tmp = 1
while (%tmp <= $ibl(#,0)) {
; check Internal Ban List if you are banned
it has no possibility to work...

Any explanation???