I am really starting to get tired of getting these. I know for a fact that they are coming from mIRC.

The above image is a screenshot of a program I run called RainMeter. I took this screenshot a few months ago after recieving one of the "no buffer space available" messages. The histogram in the foreground (darker at the bottom) represents CPU usage and the one in the background (darker at the top) represents physical memory usage.

The sharp decrease in both histograms came after exiting mIRC after recieving one of the "no buffer space" errors. No other programs were closed.

This, coupled with the fact that every time i get an error (and subsequenty cannot visit websites or do anything using my connection), the errors stop when mIRC is exited, make it obvious to me that there is a major memory leak of some type in mIRC. It is also obvious that these errors are caused by something in one of my scripts because not everyone gets them.

The purpose of this post is to gather information from people who also recieve these errors in an effort to identify which commands/features are causing them.

I highly suspect hash tables. I started recieving the errors after making a theme system that stores the theme file in a hash table and references it with $hget on every themable event. I also noticed an increase in frequency of these errors after making some code that connected to a website at a 5 minute interval and stored the retrieved information in a hash table.

If you get "no buffer space available" errors, please reply with the following information:

  • Number of hash tables you usually have
  • The type and size (number of items) of the information contained in them
  • How often you read from/write to them
  • How often you exit/restart mIRC
  • How long it takes to recieve the error

Along with any other things you suspect may be the cause.

Also, if you use hash tables heavily and leave mIRC open for several weeks with NO errors, please post here so perhaps we can rule hash tables out.

PLEASE also list any DLLs you are using.

Last edited by praetorian_; 15/10/04 04:45 PM.