threat?? u say that as if im threatening ur intelligence and as i clearly said if im wrong so be it ...... but what ur not seeing is where i said a "soccket connection" that is clearly a mirc capability .......and i may not be as all knowing of mirc scripting as most of u ...... but i think i have a general idea of how things work ....... im not insulting ur intelligence as u clearly have me beat in mirc scripting abilites ....... but what ur suggesting is so easily gotten around that its not even worth mentioning ...... thats like suggesting khaled forces a specific nick upon u and doesnt let u edit the connection dialog box ...... but if u simply type in:
/server 6667 mypass -i mynick myalternatenick myemail myname

u will be connected under any name u want

/server [-mnsar] <server/groupname> [port] [password] [-i nick anick email name] [-j #channel pass]
Connects you to a server, first disconnecting you from the current server.

ok i know thats not the case in ur suggestion , but with a socket connect isnt all ur connection info then sent by u and u make it all up yourself ..... so how can u suggest an uneditable field??? it would require rewritting mirc to take control of the script out of the users hands ....... something i for one wouldnt aggree with ....... even if i know nothing about scripting.

again dont take this as a personal attack on ur intelligence and or ability its my opinion to think what ur suggesting is completely useless and completely not what id want in my mirc