I'm so old that I didn't notice when [extensions] was added. I will admit that I do keep track of
versions.txt. Well. At some point I just noticed that something was wrong with my script that creates separate profile folders and started creating new folders without taking into account the entry in mirc.ini.
As for the Status Window logging option, so I need to look for a reference in mirc.ini that will ensure that I start another session with automatic logging disabled on startup.
Anyway, good work and the AI idea maybe not so stupid. Make another new version and re-deploy as in the case of 6.35.
Ps. If it works out, also think about making mIRC Options entries to designated directories also point correctly from mirc.ini. Seemingly small things but for the unaware or newbies it is another matter. And I guess if I'm not mistaken the values of $mididir, etc are pointed correctly.