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Joined: Mar 2024
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YoSiTo Offline OP
Nutrimatic drinks dispenser
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Nutrimatic drinks dispenser
Joined: Mar 2024
Posts: 5
Hello everyone, I wanted to know if there is a remote that can give voice to users who enter with the exception of those users who are already in specific rooms, do not give them voice, but if they are not in said rooms, give them voice in our room, thank you.

Joined: Jan 2012
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Pan-dimensional mouse
Pan-dimensional mouse
Joined: Jan 2012
Posts: 317
I created this little script for you that should do what you're request.

Try using this script code in your bot:
alias -l my_channel { return #channel }
on @*:JOIN:$($my_channel): .enable #checkbadchannels | whois $nick

#checkbadchannels off
raw 319:*: if ($check_chans($2-)) { mode $my_channel +v $2 } | .disable #checkbadchannels
alias -l bad_chans { return #badboys,#reptiles,#trolling }
alias -l check_chans {
  tokenize 32 $1- | var %userchans $remove($2-,!,~,&,@,$chr(37),+)
  var %i 1 | while (%i <= $numtok($bad_chans,44)) { 
    if ($istok(%userchans,$gettok($bad_chans,%i,44),32)) { return $false } | inc %i
  return $true
#checkbadchannels end


  • The bot will check "WHOIS" each user joining a channel to see what other channels they are on.
  • The bot must have channel operator status with the @ sign to be able to set a voice.
  • In the alias "my_channel" indicate the name of your #channel on which the bot will work.
  • In the alias "bad_chans" specify the names of bad channels, separated by commas, on which the user should not be present.

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Joined: Mar 2024
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YoSiTo Offline OP
Nutrimatic drinks dispenser
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Nutrimatic drinks dispenser
Joined: Mar 2024
Posts: 5
Thank you very much Epic is very helpful to me, I really appreciate the time you took to help

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