Because SSL certificate fingerprints are really the only way to verify that you're connected with whom you believe you're connected, I am surprised there is no way to see these in mIRC. It would be appreciated if a means of seeing a server's SSL certificate fingerprint (SHA1 and MD5) were added to a future version of mIRC.

There is also no way to view an IRC server's SSL certificate after connecting. It would be appreciated if this were also rectified. (Presently, the only time you can ever see an IRC server's SSL certificate is if a security problem occurs during the connecting stage -- at which point you can click [View] on the "Security Alert" dialogue.)

It strikes me that without any readily-available way to see certificates, and especially without any way to see certificate fingerprints whatsoever, that mIRC's SSL support is essentially unfinished and cannot offer the same level of trust as that available from, say, a web browser's SSL support.