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#123578 25/06/05 07:20 AM
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i was trying to make a random dice roller for D&D

something like

on *:text:!*d*+*:*:{

and then it takes the number before the d (the humber of times rolled) the # after the d (sides on the dice) and the # after the + (adds to total roll) and displays the final roll

i couldnt get anything to work, any help would be appreciated

#123579 25/06/05 08:00 AM
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Vogon poet
Vogon poet
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its not how you want it but its just a start

on *:TEXT:!roll:#:{
  if ($rand(1,6) == 1 {
    /msg $chan the number is 1
  if ($rand(2,6) == 2 {
    /msg $chan the number is 2
  if ($rand(3,6) == 3 {
    /msg $chan the number is 3
  if ($rand(4,6) == 4 {
    /msg $chan the number is 4
  if ($rand(5,6) == 5 {
    /msg $chan the number is 5
  if ($rand(6,6) == 6 {
    /msg $chan the number is 6 


Last edited by Sleepyfreak; 25/06/05 08:12 AM.

and thats the way the scout leader burns
#123580 25/06/05 08:11 AM
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well this is what i had before

on *:text:!d4:*:{
msg $chan $nick rolles a $rand(1,4)

on *:text:!d6:*:{
msg $chan $nick rolles a $rand(1,6)

on *:text:!d8:*:{
msg $chan $nick rolles a $rand(1,8)

on *:text:!d10:*:{
msg $chan $nick rolles a $rand(0,10)

on *:text:!d12:*:{
msg $chan $nick rolles a $rand(1,12)

on *:text:!d20:*:{
msg $chan $nick rolles a $rand(1,20)

on *:text:!d100:*:{
msg $chan $nick rolles a $rand(0,100)

but i want something to do this in an all in one command - where it would create a variable for each # i need
1 - number of rolls
2 - sides on the rolled die
3 - # added to end result
4 - final result

#123581 25/06/05 08:18 AM
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Vogon poet
Vogon poet
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well this is what i had before

on *:text:!d4:*:{
msg $chan $nick rolles a $rand(1,4)

on *:text:!d6:*:{
msg $chan $nick rolles a $rand(1,6)

on *:text:!d8:*:{
msg $chan $nick rolles a $rand(1,8)

on *:text:!d10:*:{
msg $chan $nick rolles a $rand(0,10)

on *:text:!d12:*:{
msg $chan $nick rolles a $rand(1,12)

on *:text:!d20:*:{
msg $chan $nick rolles a $rand(1,20)

on *:text:!d100:*:{
msg $chan $nick rolles a $rand(0,100)

that should work but the next step i don't know if it will work but heres my best guess
on *:text:*:*:{
if ($2 == !d4) { 
msg $chan $nick rolles a $rand(1,4)
if ($2 == !d6) { 
msg $chan $nick rolles a $rand(1,6)
if ($2 == !d8) { 
msg $chan $nick rolles a $rand(1,8)
if ($2 == !d10) { 
msg $chan $nick rolles a $rand(1,10)
if ($2 == !d12) { 
msg $chan $nick rolles a $rand(1,12)
if ($2 == !d20) { 
msg $chan $nick rolles a $rand(1,20)
if ($2 == !d100) { 
msg $chan $nick rolles a $rand(1,100)

like i said earlier


Last edited by Sleepyfreak; 25/06/05 08:25 AM.

and thats the way the scout leader burns
#123582 25/06/05 08:22 AM
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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on *:text:!d*:#:{ if ($int($mid($1,3)) isnum 1-) { msg $chan $nick rolles a $rand(1, [ $v1 ] ) } }

#123583 25/06/05 08:44 AM
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Vogon poet
Vogon poet
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nice script Davec but should mine work altho?

and thats the way the scout leader burns
#123584 25/06/05 09:10 AM
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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if ($2 == !d4) {

should have been

if ($1 == !d4) {

same for the others

#123585 25/06/05 09:27 AM
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Hehe couldn't resist:

on *:text:/^!d([1-9]\d?|100)$/:#: msg # $nick rolls a $r(1,$regml(1))

#123586 25/06/05 09:40 AM
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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on *:TEXT:!d*:#:{
  tokenize 32 $int($+(0,[color:orange]$mid($1,3)[/color])) $iif(($int($+(0,$2)) >= 1),$v1,1) $int($3) 0
   [color:blue]if (($1 isnum 2-100) && ($2 isnum 1-20) && ($3 isnum)) {[/color]
    var %rolls, %total
    var %i = $2
    while (%i) {
      var %roll = $rand(1,$1)
      var %rolls = $instok(%rolls,%roll,1,44)
      inc %total %roll
      dec %i
    inc %total $3
    msg $chan Die Rolls %rolls giving a final value of %total
   [color:blue]else { msg $chan !d<dice sides 2-100> <number of rolls 1-20> <additional value> }[/color]

If you want to change the sides of the dice from being up to 100 then change the 2-100 in the blue lines, same for the number of rolls allowed 1-20, large disce sides and or to many rolls well cause the script to not display correctly due to line length limits in /msg and or in mirc itself.

If you alter the trigger from !d then you must correct the orange $mid($1,3) replacing the 3 with one more than the letters in the trigger, ie : !diceroll would be $mid($1,10)

#123587 25/06/05 06:06 PM
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Errr I forgot the $ event prefix there. Oh well grin

#123588 26/06/05 12:28 AM
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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I was going to try a regex but im still sucky at them, and though the time it takes me to make it would out weigh its worth, and someone would eend up showing me one half its size <groan>

#123589 26/06/05 04:50 AM
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Fjord artisan
Fjord artisan
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on $*:text:/^!(\d+)d(\d+)(\+(\d+))?$/g:#: {
  ; $regml(1) is the number before the d
  ; $regml(2) is the number after the d
  ; $regml(3) is the number after the +
  ; You dont need the +num so it will work without it or with it
    var %1 = $regml(1)
    var %2 = $regml(2)
    var %3 = $regml(3)
  if (%2 !isnum 2-1000) || (%1 !isnum 1-200) .notice $nick The number of sides on the die must be within 2-1000, the number of die that are rolled must be within 1-200.
  else {
    while (%1) {
      dec %1
      var %4 = $calc(%4 + $rand(1,%2))
    msg $chan $nick $+ , You rolled $calc(%4 + %3) in total.

i tested it and it works perfectly. grin

#123590 26/06/05 07:32 AM
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Two things.
(1) It helps to tell them what the format of the trigger is !<rolls>d<dice sides>+<additional value>
(2) If your not going to show the dice rolls why do em?
on $*:text:/^!(\d+)d(\d+)(\+(\d+))?$/g:#: {
  if (($regml(1) isnum 1-200) &amp;&amp; ($regml(2) isnum 2-1000)) { msg $chan $nick $+ , You rolled $calc($rand($regml(1),$calc($regml(1) * $regml(2))) + $regml(3)) in total. }
  else { .notice $nick Format !&lt;rolls&gt;d&lt;dice sides&gt;+&lt;additional value&gt; The number of die that are rolled must be within 1-200 &amp; The number of sides on the die must be within 2-1000 . }

#123591 26/06/05 12:35 PM
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Fjord artisan
Fjord artisan
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thats the wrong format.
the format is !<num>d<num>[+num]
the last +num
i improved my old one so you can use '-', too
on $*:text:/^!(\d+)d(\d+)((\+|-)(\d+))?$/g:#: {
  var %1 = $regml(1), %2 = $regml(2), %3 = $regml(3)
  if (%2 !isnum 2-1000) || (%1 !isnum 1-200) .notice $nick The syntax for rolling die is !&lt;1-200&gt;d&lt;2-200&gt;(+/- num)
  else {
    while (%1) {
      dec %1
      var %4 = $calc(%4 + $rand(1,%2))
    msg $chan $nick $+ , You rolled $calc(%4 %3) in total.

Last edited by IR_n00b; 26/06/05 12:38 PM.
#123592 26/06/05 12:50 PM
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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the format is !<num>d<num>[+num]

Looks the same in my books, its just i dont use < > or [ ] to indercate optionability, i write it down in docs normally, i was just being quick and dirty here, guess thats my fault.

Anyway, nice improvement, accept you didnt pickup on that fact you dont need to roll the dice X number of times
say its a 6 sided dice rolled 10 times, any result is possable from 10 to 60, so you just choose a random number from 10 to 60
var %4 = $rand(%1,$calc(%1 * %2))

#123593 26/06/05 03:22 PM
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Fjord artisan
Fjord artisan
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well, i guess thats true, but its easier for people to learn if you use it this way, i dont realy think people learn that fast from crowded things it makes it look complicated and it ends in them giving up
on $*:text:/^!(\d+)d(\d+)((\+|-|\^|\*|\/)(\d+))?$/g:#: {
  ; $regml(1) is the number before the d
  ; $regml(2) is the number after the d
  ; $regml(3) is the number after the +|-|*|/|^
  ; You dont need the +-*/^, but if you do specify it you need to put a value after it so it will work without it or with it
  var %1 = $regml(1), %2 = $regml(2), %3 = $regml(3), %a = $regml(4), %b = $regml(5)
  if (%a == ^) &amp;&amp; (%b !isnum 1-5) .notice $nick If you use ^ (to the X power) the last number you specify must be within 1-5.
 elseif (%a == *) &amp;&amp; (%b !isnum 0.01-50) .notice $nick If you use * (multiply by) the last number you specify must be within 0.01-50.
elseif (%a = /) &amp;&amp; (%b !isnum 2-50) .notice $nick If you use / (divide by) the last number you specify must be within 1-50.
  elseif (%2 !isnum 2-1000) || (%1 !isnum 1-200) .notice $nick The number of sides on the die must be within 2-1000, the number of die that are rolled must be within 1-200.
  else {
    msg $chan $nick $+ , You rolled $calc($rand(%1,$calc(%1 * %2)) %3) in total.

#123594 26/06/05 05:27 PM
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Nutrimatic drinks dispenser
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Nutrimatic drinks dispenser
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thanks all!

it works great now plus i learned some new functions with scripting.

#123595 26/06/05 08:36 PM
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Fjord artisan
Fjord artisan
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you can read mIRCs scripting manual, type /help or /help <somthing to search for>
most people probly learned to script that way and advanced by experiance laugh

#123596 27/06/05 01:30 PM
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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In addition:
If you are using this as part of a script, where you want to store the damage values of a weapon or spell or whatever, and have it calculate damage at a later point, you can use something like this...

Create a table of your weapons (you can add more weapon data such as weight and speed and size if you want):

hmake weapons 10
hadd weapons shortsword 1d4
hadd weapons flail 1d8+1

Send your weapon name with /attack:
alias attack {
  set %damage 0
  set %dice 1
  while (%dice &lt;= $gettok($gettok($hget(weapons,$1).data,1,32),1,100)) {
    set %damage $calc(%damage + $rand(1,$gettok($gettok($gettok($hget(weapons,$1).data,1,32),2,100),1,43)) + $gettok($hget(weapons,$1),2,43))
    inc %dice
  unset %dice

Example attack:

Player has the Flail:

/attack flail

%damage = 1 roll of $rand(1,8) + 1

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#123597 28/06/05 10:32 PM
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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If you throw 10 6 sided dice (or 1 die 10 times) the sum will indeed be a number between 10 and 60, but it will not be the same as just picking a random number between 10 and 60.

Let's check probabilities for 2 dice:
throwing a 2=1+1: 1/6 * 1/6 = 1/36 chance
throwing a 3=2+1 or 1+2: 2/36 chance
throwing a 4=1+3 or 2+2 or 3+1: 3/36 chance
throwing a 7= 1+6 or 2+5 or 3+3 or 4+2 or 5+2 or 6+1: 6/36 chance

Just choosing a random number between 2 and 12: 1/10 chance for all outcomes...

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