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ircbum Offline OP
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I am thinking of creating a database containing XDCC pack information such as size, pack #, bot name, channel, record speed etc..
The only way I can think of collection this information is processing the text displayed in channel windows using a MIRC script. However this is sort of challenge because bots on different channels display information differently.

Anyone have any other ideas on how to get this information?

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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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channel would be simple, $chan.

pack #, usually starts with # or is a 2 digit number, loop and find one.

record speed isnt always there, but search for a kb/k since it would require that to be in the sentence to make sense.

bot name would be $nick (on text)

size, would be mb/kb/k search for those in the sentence.

You will however need to find someway to differenciate between file size and record speed, I would guess common sense would say the filesize would always be before record speed.


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ircbum Offline OP
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Cool, thanks for your input.

I am guessing MIRC scripts cannot access say a DB2 database? If that is the case i will have to write a script to save to file then write another program say in Java to process the text file.

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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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I'm not overly conversant with DB2, however if it runs on a 'server' (as i assume it must, like mysql does) then it'll be just a case of finding the protocol to connect/exchange data via mIRC sockets.

However, if your intension is to use mIRC to gather information for use on a website, your best bet, would probably be scrap mIRC scripting and go for PHP or another language that supports (java does) sockets, and use that to connect to IRC and join a channel, and then grab/parse the information.


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ircbum Offline OP
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Yeah, I think you have a good point.. using Java would be easier!

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