can anyone help me with a bot that does the following:
when someone type -count <ip> <count>, and says something like -count 48 2014, it will write IP: (gonna use this as an example) is currently at 2014 (current count) last walk: 87(example). Last walk was ____(date), ____(count), and basically, -count <ip> <count> fills in the ip number, and the current count, -walk will set the Last walk was ____, @ ____ sojs to match what the user inputs
let me try clearing it up, -count 48 2541, writes the following to a file: is currently at 2541 sojs.
then if someone does -walk 48 2541, it writes the following line, added to the previous line, Last walk was ____(date they used the command), at 2541.
THEN it subtracts the last walk from the current count to get the last walk: line
and finally, if someone types -event 48,(basically read whats in the file it wrote to) it will PM them with this message: is currently at 2014 (current count)
Last walk: 87(example)
Last walk was ____(date), ____(count)
not sure if this makes sense to anyone, but any help would be great