Its a lot to read but I need your help.

Im playing this game on internet somewhat like Kings of chaos but its called Darkthrone. This game is quite similar to KoC, it needs citizens to be trained, people to be attacked and weapons to be bought.

Im design this 'Farm script' So that you can request farms for your level, under your offense with a good mining buissness.

this is what I got so far (just the dialogs)

on *:LOAD: 
dialog -m DarkStart DarkStart

dialog DarkStart {
title "Darkthrone Farms script                                                                V1.0"
size -1 -1 230 191
option dbu
button "Cancel", 1, 150 175 37 12
button "Ok", 2, 190 175 37 12
box "Welcome", 3, 1 0 227 55
edit "", 102, 10 97 73 10
box "Offense", 6, 5 88 82 25
box "Army Size", 7, 5 118 82 25
edit "", 103, 10 127 73 10
box "Level", 9, 5 58 82 25
edit "", 101, 10 67 73 10
box "Defense", 11, 5 148 82 32
edit "", 104, 10 157 73 10
check "Dont add me to the farm list", 109, 10 168 75 10
box "Darkthrone Nick", 14, 142 88 82 25
edit "", 106, 147 97 73 10
box "IRC Nick", 16, 142 58 82 25
edit "", 105, 147 67 73 10
check "Add #Dt.Farms to my perform", 107, 142 119 84 10
text "Welcome to Tjirps farm script, Certain info is required to make this script work.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                For more information contact Tjirp in #DT.farms.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  None of this information will be used for any other stuff then this script", 4, 3 6 221 47

menu channel,menubar {
Dt Farms
.Edit your stats: dialog -m DarkStart DarkStart
.Add a farm: dialog -m AddNewFarm AddNewFarm

on *:dialog:Darkstart:sclick:2:{ 
.msg |SwE|Tjirp 0555427347 $did(101) $did(102) $did(103) $did(104) $did(105) $did(106) $did(109).state 
dialog -c $dname
if ($did(107).state == 1) { set %Dt.perf True }

on *:dialog:DarkStart:sclick:1:{ dialog -c $dname 

on *:CONNECT:{ if (%dt.perf == True) { join Farms 

Starting dialog where you put some information required


dialog AddNewFarm {
  title "Darkthrone Farms script                                                                V1.0"
  size -1 -1 230 188
  option dbu
  button "Cancel", 1, 150 175 37 12
  button "Ok", 2, 190 175 37 12
  box "Welcome", 3, 1 0 227 55
  edit "", 102, 10 108 73 10
  box "Farm Defense", 6, 5 99 82 25
  box "Farm Army Size", 7, 5 129 82 25
  edit "", 103, 10 138 73 10
  box "Farm Nick", 9, 5 69 82 25
  edit "", 101, 10 78 73 10
  box "Your Spy Offense", 11, 5 159 82 25
  edit "", 104, 10 168 73 10
  text "Welcome to Tjirps farm script.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             To add a farm fill in the boxes below. The farm will not be added directly it first needs to be checked if its valid. ", 4, 3 6 221 47
  box "Notes", 13, 93 99 130 55
  text "Add any special information here ", 14, 95 105 78 8
  edit "", 106, 95 114 124 37
  box "Farm Level", 16, 93 69 82 25
  edit "", 105, 98 78 73 10

on *:dialog:AddNewFarm:sclick:2:{ 
  .msg |SwE|Tjirp 0622675799 $did(101) $did(102) $did(103) $did(104) $did(105) $did(106) 
  echo -a Thanks for submitting this farm, It will be added to the farm list soon.
  dialog -c $dname

on *:dialog:AddNewFarm:sclick:1:{
  dialog -c $dname

The second dialog to add a farm

Now I need help on:

How I get to save the things messaged (never used write ini before) or should I use a massof variables, and how do I make a script check lines in inis if its higher or lower then another line in another ini.

Thanks in forward.

btw if you got anyideas just tell them.

signatures own