I am using my schools's computer and trying to connect via mIRC. There's a firewall in my school's network, but IE can connect to internet without any problems. In (IE) Tools->Internet Options->Connections->Lan Settings I can see that "Use a proxy server for your LAN" is checked ("bypass proxy server for local addresses" also checked) and I can see the Address: www-something and Port: 8080. So what kind of settings I should set in mIRC? OS is win2k. Thx.
just read that I can't bypass firewall by myself need to find an admin or something to open the port. if someone has any ideas I'll be happy to try them out.
you should actually contact the admin and ask him/her to open it for you. most universities won't have a problem for online chatting. but there is always the alternative. use webchat to connect to irc servers