I have been making a script to change how certain raw numerics are displayed. This one example is from the whois response. Every other numeric is halted and the output changed but raw 338. This is what I have done to test it.
raw 338:*:{ haltdef | .echo -a test }
This is how the server sends the raw to the client:
:some.server.com 338 Test Test [email]test@[/email] :Actual [email]user@host[/email], Actual IP
This is how the client responds even with the default halted:
Test is actually [email]test@[/email] []
I have unloaded every script I run except this one to make sure nothing else is changing it. I have also used a proxy I found that can force messages between the client and server and verified this is in fact the numeric that mirc is not allowing me to modify.
I'm not sure if it is still my error somehow or if this might be a bug.