I tried several quote systems, and so far, I haven't seen one (with not too many bugs!) where users can !add the quotes themselves. Anyway, I found this one, but I can't change the file's location. (C:\quotes.txt) If I do change it, people cannot !add anymore. Any.. suggestions?
on *:load: { write -c C:\quotes.txt | set %QuoteN 0 }
on *:unload: { write -c C:\quotes.txt | unset %QuoteN }
on *:text:!AddQuote*:#: { if ($2) { inc %QuoteN 1 | write -l $+ %QuoteN C:\quotes.txt %QuoteN 7Quote5 %QuoteN $+ 1:5" $+ $2- $+ " 1- 7Set by5 $nick $+ 1 7on1 $adate $+ . | msg # 7Added quote1 "5 $+ $2- $+ 1"7 by5 $nick $+ . }
else {
msg # 3Please add a quote!
on *:text:!Quote*:#: { if (!$2) { msg # $read(C:\quotes.txt)
elseif ($2) && ($2 isin $read(C:\quotes.txt,$2)) {
msg # $read(C:\quotes.txt,$2)
elseif ($2 !isin $read(C:\quotes.txt,$2)) {
msg # 3Quote not found! Please try another number!
alias rquotes {
.timerquote 0 4 msg # $read(C:\quotes.txt)