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Vogon poet
Vogon poet
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Vogon poet
Vogon poet
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i know i bugg too much :P
but when a user is non mode, it is normal (default colored) and when i vop him or op him, he dont changes color.
is it possible to change this ?
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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You're welcome  If you use this code and that one I posted above, you will achieve what you wanted Code I posted above:On *:TEXT:*:#: {
if ($nick isop #) { echo 12 -mtbfl # $+(<,$nick,>) $1- }
if ($nick isvoice #) { echo 3 -mtbfl # -mtbfl $chan $+(<,$nick,>) $1- }
} Have fun!  Zyzzy
"All we are saying is give peace a chance" -- John Lennon
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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yes  You can either /hop the channel or add this code: on *:OP:#: cline 12 # $opnick
on *:DEOP:#: cline 1 # $opnick
on *:VOICE:#: cline 3 # $vnick
on *:DEVOICE:#: cline 1 # $vnick
No bugs on this one, I hope  Zyzzyx
Last edited by Zyzzyx26; 11/08/04 11:07 PM.
"All we are saying is give peace a chance" -- John Lennon
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Vogon poet
Vogon poet
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i have some problems here:
on *:OP:#: { if ($opnick isvoice #) cline 12 # $opnick if ($opnick ishop #) cline 12 # $opnick else cline 12 # $opnick }
on *:DEOP:#: { if ($opnick isvoice #) cline 3 # $opnick if ($opnick ishop #) cline 11 # $opnick else cline 1 # $opnick }
on *:VOICE:#: { if ($vnick isop #) cline 12 # $vnick if ($vnick ishop #) cline 11 # $vnick else cline 3 # $vnick }
on *:DEVOICE:#: { if ($vnick isop #) cline 12 # $vnick if ($vnick ishop #) cline 11 # $vnick else cline 1 # $vnick }
If nick is opped and i give him voice it become green altho in code it is specifited to stay blue, when i deop nick that is green it becomes black (default) even if it is voiced and it shoud be green
If nick is voiced, and then opped and i devoice him it stays opped with no color even it is specifited that stays blue
what is wrong here?
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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on *:OP:#: cline 12 # $opnick
on *:DEOP:#: {
if ($opnick ishop #) { cline 11 # $opnick }
elseif ($opnick isvoice #) { cline 3 # $opnick }
else { cline 1 # $opnick }
on *:VOICE:#: {
if ($vnick ishop #) { cline 11 # $vnick }
elseif ($vnick isop #) { cline 12 # $vnick }
else { cline 3 # $vnick }
on *:DEVOICE:#: {
if ($vnick ishop #) { cline 11 # $vnick }
elseif ($vnick isop #) { cline 12 # $vnick }
else { cline 1 # $vnick }
on *:HELP:#: {
if ($hnick isop #) { cline 12 # $hnick }
else { cline 11 # $hnick }
on *:DEHELP:#: {
if ($hnick isop #) { cline 12 # $hnick }
elseif ($hnick isvoice #) { cline 3 # $hnick }
else { cline 1 # $hnick }
Hope this works  Zyzzy
"All we are saying is give peace a chance" -- John Lennon
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Fjord artisan
Fjord artisan
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i thought you only wanted it for the events you saw in the channel
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Vogon poet
Vogon poet
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heeee it works perfect now !
just 1 tiny question... since mirc cannot detect uop (user op) by default as $hnick $vnick, is it possible thru script to do it ?
if yes, how ?
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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$nick(#,N/nick,aohvr,aohvr) Returns Nth nickname in the channels nickname listbox on channel #.
Both aohvr parameters are optional. The first specifies which nicks you'd like included, and the second specifies the nicks you'd like excluded, where: a = all nicks, o = ops, h = halfops, v = voiced, r = regular
but also other mode characters work
//if ( khaled isgod ) echo yes | else echo no
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Vogon poet
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so how would i include uop with this (above) code ?
if there is no such On UOP mode ?
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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I'm not sure of what you're talking about... what is UOP? Is it a user mode, like @ and +v? If it is, you can use the on RAWMODE event. I will use the letter q as the UOP letter, like o is @Op and v is +voice, but you must change the q's in red for the actual letter of the user mode
on *:RAWMODE:#: {
var %modes = $remove($1,-,+)
var %x = $numtok($2-,32)
while (%x) {
var %i = $len(%modes)
while (%i) {
if ([color:red]q[/color] == $mid(%modes,%i,1) && ($left($1,1) == -) {
if ($gettok($2-,%i,32) isop $chan) { cline 12 # $gettok($2-,%i,32) }
elseif ($gettok($2-,%x,32) ishop $chan) { cline 11 # $gettok($2-,%x,32) }
elseif ($gettok($2-,%x,32) svoice $chan) { cline 3 # $gettok($2-,%x,32) }
else { cline [color:blue]UOP Color[/color] # $gettok($2-,%x,32) }
if ([color:red]q[/color] == $mid(%modes,%i,1) && ($left($1,1) == +) {
[color:green] ; I am assuming the UOP mode is a LOWER mode than OP
; but HIGHER than Half Op and voice[/color]
if ($gettok($2-,%x,32) isop $chan) { cline 12 # $$gettok($2-,%x,32) }
else { cline [color:blue]UOP Color[/color] # $gettok($2-,%x,32) }
dec %i
dec %x
This is not tested, so please let me know how it goes  Zyzzyx
Last edited by Zyzzyx26; 12/08/04 04:41 PM.
"All we are saying is give peace a chance" -- John Lennon
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Vogon poet
Vogon poet
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uop is lower than voice so itz like this:
@ Op % Hop + voice - uop normal user
so dunno what shloud be changed here coz you assumed itz above hop and vop
and i get error on this line:
"* /if: invalid format"
if (q == $mid(%modes,%i,1) && ($left($1,1) == -) {
Last edited by ShinZon; 12/08/04 08:14 PM.
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Then it should look like this: Remember to change the q's for the actual UOP letter!!on *:RAWMODE:#: {
var %modes = $remove($1,-,+)
var %x = $numtok($2-,32)
while (%x) {
var %i = $len(%modes)
while (%i) {
if ([color:red]q[/color] == $mid(%modes,%i,1) && ($left($1,1) == -) {
if ($gettok($2-,%i,32) isop $chan) { cline 12 # $gettok($2-,%i,32) }
elseif ($gettok($2-,%x,32) ishop $chan) { cline 11 # $gettok($2-,%x,32) }
elseif ($gettok($2-,%x,32) isvoice $chan) { cline 3 # $gettok($2-,%x,32) }
else { cline UOP Color # $gettok($2-,%x,32) }
if ([color:red]q[/color] == $mid(%modes,%i,1) && ($left($1,1) == +) {
if ($gettok($2-,%x,32) isop $chan) { cline 12 # $$gettok($2-,%x,32) }
elseif ($gettok($2-,%x,32) ishop $chan) { cline 11 # $$gettok($2-,%x,32) }
elseif ($gettok($2-,%x,32) isvoice $chan) { cline 3 # $$gettok($2-,%x,32) }
else { cline UOP Color # $gettok($2-,%x,32) }
dec %i
dec %x
} And just out of curiosity.. what is UOP's letter?  Zyzzy
"All we are saying is give peace a chance" -- John Lennon
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Vogon poet
Vogon poet
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/mode #chan +u nickname
so itz "u"
prefix is "-"
so in listbox itz
@nickname %nickname +nickname -nickname
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Ok then, just replace those red q's for the u
"All we are saying is give peace a chance" -- John Lennon
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Vogon poet
Vogon poet
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i stll get error here:
if (u == $mid(%modes,%i,1) && ($left($1,1) == -) {
i changed q to u and added color 10 for uop and it wont color it into 10 but it stays as normal (white)
Last edited by ShinZon; 12/08/04 08:35 PM.
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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on *:RAWMODE:#: {
var %modes = $remove($1,-,+)
var %x = $numtok($2-,32)
while (%x) {
var %i = $len(%modes)
while (%i) {
if (u == $mid(%modes,%i,1)[color:red])[/color] && ($left($1,1) == -) {
if ($gettok($2-,%i,32) isop $chan) { cline 12 # $gettok($2-,%i,32) }
elseif ($gettok($2-,%x,32) ishop $chan) { cline 11 # $gettok($2-,%x,32) }
elseif ($gettok($2-,%x,32) isvoice $chan) { cline 3 # $gettok($2-,%x,32) }
else { cline 13 # $gettok($2-,%x,32) }
if (u == $mid(%modes,%i,1)[color:red])[/color] && ($left($1,1) == +) {
if ($gettok($2-,%x,32) isop $chan) { cline 12 # $$gettok($2-,%x,32) }
elseif ($gettok($2-,%x,32) ishop $chan) { cline 11 # $$gettok($2-,%x,32) }
elseif ($gettok($2-,%x,32) isvoice $chan) { cline 3 # $$gettok($2-,%x,32) }
else { cline [color:blue]1[/color] # $gettok($2-,%x,32) }
dec %i
dec %x
} There were 2 parentheses missing there :P Also, that 1 in blue should be there, instead of the UOP color. This code I'm almost sure it works  Tell me if it does! Zyzzy
"All we are saying is give peace a chance" -- John Lennon
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Vogon poet
Vogon poet
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combined with /names raw and ON deop, help, voice... events it works, BUT since uop doesn thave ON UOP event, while having uop mode and opped or voiced, then deoped or devoiced instead uop color it returns to normal color
is it possible to make ON event for UOP too ?
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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No, its not possible to create an on UOP mode. The on Rawmode is the best you can have. This code by starbucks mafia might help you!  Good luck! Zyzzyx.
"All we are saying is give peace a chance" -- John Lennon
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Vogon poet
Vogon poet
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i thank you very very much for helping me in this !
add: is it possible then just to detect preffix infront of nickname like:
on deop IF + is infront then do something ?
Last edited by ShinZon; 12/08/04 09:19 PM.