I currently want to learn mirc scripting and was wondering if anyone knew of any good places to learn (basic tuts for a coding newbie, and not /help please) and a good forum for mirc scripting (phpbb, invision power board, vbulletin) thanks.
You can ask any question you like (within reason) regarding scripting in the scripts and popups section, you can also post in the developers forum (but i've noticed people tend to ask for help on harder questions in the developers forum).
you can try the help file that came with mirc. thats what i learned from. they give you instructions and examples for the beginners. hope you find what your looking for
Depends on the network You might try /list *script* or /list *scripting* to see if that works, check out the topics of the different channels, and choose one that you think would help you the best
Dotty Second star to the right and straight on til morning.
Well, I was taking a look at the pinned post about not advertising networks or channels in here, and I'm honestly not sure if recommending a network and/or channel would be considered advertising. I'm sure that on just about every 'larger' network (I'm not saying that it has to be 20-30k+ users) would have a few advanced scripters on it willing to help. My best advice is to look around and play with /list to find channels. You'll eventually get the help you need. You can also look at /help topichere on mIRC or a websearch for more topics.
Dotty Second star to the right and straight on til morning.