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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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What I am trying to do is to stop adding the nickname more than once to the file by looking for the nickname and if it exists, to not write it. If it does to write it. (And no writing to files is not one of my strong points if you haven't already guessed.)
if ($did == 5) {
if ($did(4).text isin test.txt) {
.echo $did(4).text is already listed!
else {
.write files\test.txt $did(4).text
Thanks in advance.
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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The "isin" statement is to check whether a partial string is inside a full string, i.e. if (a isin abc)..
To check whether a string is in a file you can use $read
for example..
if ($read(files\test.txt,w,$+(*,$did(4).text,*)) { Your Command }
Will return the first result in a search for *STRING* in a file however a better parameter than 'w' to use might be 's' depending on whether you have 1 nickname per line, if so use..
if ($read(files\test.txt,s,$did(4).text) { Your Command }
If 'w' or 's' parameter isnt to your liking you may have to loop the file looking for an exact match in which case..
var %i $lines(C:\test.txt) | var %t 0 | while (%i) { if ($read(C:\test.txt,%i) == $did(4).text) { var %t 1 } | dec %i } | if (%t == 1) { echo ALREADY EXISTS } | else { echo DOESNT EXIST }
Replacing echo ALREADY EXISTS and echo DOESNT EXIST with whatever you may.
For more information /help $read if you require it.
Hope this Helps.
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Hi, to know if there is an exact string in that file, I wouldn't loop through each line. Perhaps this alias can be handy:
alias isinfile filter -ff test.txt nul $$1 | return $filtered
Usage: $isinfile(nick) I'm assuming here that test.txt is a file located in the main mIRC folder, and that each line represents 1 nick. Greets @Coolkill and The Game
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Hi, I've added some more functionality and error checking to the isinfile alias.
alias isinfile {
if !$isfile($$1) { echo -a Error: File $1 missing. | return }
if $2 == $null { echo -a Error: Matchtext missing. | return }
filter -ff " $+ $1" nul $2-
return $filtered
Usage: $isinfile(file,string) Examples: $isinfile(test.txt,The_Game) $isinfile(c:\program files\mirc\text files\test.txt,bleh blah) $isinfile(test.txt,The_*me and F*OPt*) The file can be put without a path if it is located in your main mIRC folder. It supports spaces in the path, as you can see. Thanks to the /filter you can also use wildcards in your search string. The matchtext can be multiple text now, instead of 1 word. So "string" for exact matching, and "*string*", "*str?ng*" etc. for wildcard matching. Hope you find this useful, Greets
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Vogon poet
Vogon poet
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It is very simpel
type it 10 times
/write -stsoglanos29 test.txt tsoglanos29
just use the -s switch
The -s switch scans a file for the line beginning with the specified text and performs the operation on that line.
Don`t call me baby,...
Last edited by tsoglanos; 24/06/04 04:10 PM.
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Just to do it how the game wanted it: write -s $+ $did(4).text test.txt $did(4).text
New username: hixxy
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Ah yes,
I assumed that "-s scans file beginning with string" meant the following:
Suppose you have a text file with:
mirc mir mi m
I assumed if you did $read(test.txt,s,m) that it would return the line beginning with an "m" which would be mirc. However, mirc scans as stated for a "word" which i should literaly translate to a string followed by a space. In this case, if there is only 1 word on each line, then the $read and -s switch are the way to go.
In the case of having multiple words on 1 line, then -s is useless.
this is a test this is a this is
then $read(test.txt,s,this is) is useless to check if the string "this is" is somewhere in the file as a stand alone string, because it will match on the "this is a test" line.
Anyway, the $isinfile alias is redundant in The_Game's case, though it can prove to be handy in other situations.
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Vogon poet
Vogon poet
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You miss the point
The -s switch scans a file for the line beginning with the (specified text)
now make you test and see
/write -stsoglanos29 test.txt tsoglanos29
/write -stso test.txt tso
/write -stsoglanos293 test.txt tsoglanos293
and you will realise one more nick is just add and not replaced, I holp u accept this becuse it is a fact ...
There is always one more bug...
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Hi, I did not miss the point lol. Read my post again. Ah yes,
I assumed that "-s scans file beginning with string" meant the following:
Suppose you have a text file with:
mirc mir mi m
I showed you first what I wrongfully assumed with an example. I also said: In this case, if there is only 1 word on each line, then the $read and -s switch are the way to go.
Then I showed you in a second example where -s is useless. So to summarize so everyone understands: -s is useful if we are talking about lines starting with single words, not with multiple words. I'm very aware that nicknames do not consist of spaces, however there might be other occasions where there CAN be strings with multiple spaces, and in THOSE cases, -s is useless.
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Vogon poet
Vogon poet
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he, the are no spaces in nicknames =) try yourself and post again.
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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I do not recall myself saying that nicknames consist of spaces.
Seriously, read carefully before writing.
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Vogon poet
Vogon poet
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write a nickname to a file.txt nickname if it exists, to not write it again
/write -sSomenick test.txt Somenick
is the simpel way to do this , no need to use if-then-else and filter end of discusion.
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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I'm very aware of that since you've posted it the first time. I've explained to you how I assumed (wrongfully) that -s works differently in case of single words.
I also tried to explain to you, that in a case where there are multiple words on a line (this example has nothing to do with what The_Game requested) that the -s is useless.
Am I getting through here? Hello?
So once again:
1. Yes, indeed, as you stated, and as I have acknowledged, the read -s switch is the right way to go in the case of The_Game's request , because he just wants to scan a string without spaces (nicknames, indeed). Note how I'm saying that the -s switch is the right way here, and it workx, and I wrongfully assumed in my very first post that it didn't work like that.
2. Now the part that doesn't seem to get through to you: In a case where we are talking about lines in a text file which consist of multiple words (that's right, multiple words, so not nicknames, so not the example by The_Game, so a completely different situation), THEN -s is useless, as I showed you with an example.
Now, to summarize everything once again (just making sure):
In this case where the text is only nicknames, the -s thing is the RIGHT way. (<-- did you see it? Did you read it? Is it getting through?) In other cases with multiple words, the -s thing is NOT the right way.
Well, enough of this thread for me, if I still don't get through to you, then there is nothing I can do anymore for you. I should not even have bothered to try to explain, but I couldn't help it. In the future, I'll just let things as is, and try not to worry too much about the fact that I'm being misunderstood.
Edit: After reading this whole thread again: Lol, here's where tsoglanos and me got mixed up, because he is talking about /write -s and I wrongfully thought he was talking about $read with s. And vice versa: I was talking about $read with s switch, while he wrongfully thought I was talking about the /write with s switch. Damn, text based communication can be frustrating at times :tongue: (/me grabs a beer)
Last edited by FiberOPtics; 24/06/04 09:18 PM.
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Vogon poet
Vogon poet
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Mensch meir! I realy have nothing against you but why are trying to help somone at simpel at posibel The question is not what dose the -s switch if we have multi lines begins with the same text , but how to store nicknames to a txt Once, it would be not very smarth to add nicknames twice and more and then trying to filter doubel text out. First write -stsoglanos29 test.txt tsoglanos29 will never allow add the same nick twice also your explain about multi lines is in this situasion not valid. anyway even if u use multi lines and the first word is difrent then -s is still valid /write -stsoglanos29 test.txt tsoglanos29 this is the 1st /write -stsoglanos293 test.txt tsoglanos293 this is the 2nd /write -stso test.txt tso this is the 3rd It would not be valid like you post if the first word in the line would ecxist twice and more /write -stsoglanos29 test.txt tsoglanos29 this is the 1th /write -stsoglanos29 test.txt tsoglanos29 this is the 2nd /write -stsoglanos29 test.txt tsoglanos29 this is the 3rd But this is inposibel in my explain sory for my bad english  and i realy not tring to atack you Fiberoptic, I only tring to give a quick and efective help easy to Understend even for newbies
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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I am talking about multiple words on the same line.
Have you still not read my example:
Text file:
this is a test this is a this is
You see 3 lines with MULTIPLE words on each line, and the $read(test.txt,s,this is) will match on the FIRST line on the text "this is a test" which we do not want.
How many times am I going to have to tell you, that this issue has NOTHING to do with The_Game's example. Again: this has NOTHING to do with The_Game's example, I am talking about $read in a different situation than The_Game's situation, where it is a /write. Do you get the difference?
The $read is just something I said aside from this thing that The_Game is requesting. Have you not read in my previous post, that I said that it is working the right way that you proposed?
So do you understand now that I'm talking about reading from a file and that the -s switch will be useless, and that i'm NOT talking about writing with the -s switch, where it is working perfectly as you suggested.
Just to clarify, I have nothing against you, I just really get stressed when people are misunderstanding what I'm saying.
Oh well, atleast we kept it civil. Cya on some other thread!
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Vogon poet
Vogon poet
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For the last time you post makes no sense how asked ? about -s don`t work if you have 10 times the same line in a txt?
first read the post the game made, and then think about your post and the -s switch....
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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By using one of the examples and doing a little reading, I did seem to find what I was looking for. By using the below example, I was able to add a nickname to this list. If the nickname was already there, it would echo something that notified you that the nickname existed and would stop. If the nickname didn't exist, it would write it. So far it seems to have worked cause its not adding the same nickname to the file more than once.
if ($did == 5) {
if ($read(files\test.txt,w,$+(*,$did(4).text,*))) {
.echo -a $did(4).text is already listed.
else {
.write files\test.txt $did(4).text
.timer 1 1 echo -a $did(4).text was added to the list.
By the way I just wanted to say thanks for the help thus far. If there's anything else I may be overlooking feel free to point it out.
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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That's because you are talking about /write -s in this example of The_Game,
and because I am talking about $read with the s flag in an examle NOT of The_Game, but for a general example. An example where a script needs to check if a certain string is in a text file or not.
Well it's very clear to me now, I should have been even more specific that I was talking about $read with -s switch, whilst you were trying to convince me of /write -s, where I know that /write -s works well even with multiple words, its just that $read doesn't work well with it.
Anyway, because this thread is becoming ridiculous (I'm ashamed of it), I've pm'd you so let's keep it private.
Oh well, we got carried away, it happens, no offence intended, cya around.
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Ok now I need something to work with the above script I last posted. Something that works for the pm as an example.
on ^1:OPEN:?:*: {
; if statement that allows mIRC to open private message windows only nicknames from test.txt
; if user is not on this list, no window will popup at all. and will echo the following to my active window
; .echo -a $+ $nick just tried messaging you $+ : 12 $+ $1-
If you haven't guessed, its sort of a private message blocker that im trying to make for my girlfriend. And since I know hardly a thing about read/write commands, it has been quite a pain in my ass If you can help with this one too, I would appreciate it.
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Vogon poet
Vogon poet
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Actuali do the same you did before only replace $did(4).text with $nick,...
on ^1:OPEN:?:*: { var %m = $read(test.txt,w,$+(*,$nick,*)) | if (%m == $null) { echo -at * $nick just tried messaging you $+ : 12 $+ $1- | halt } }