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Joined: Jun 2004
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KuJaX Offline OP
Pikka bird
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Pikka bird
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Okay... I will TRY to explain this the best I can. smile

I am in 11 channels on the financialchat network. I keep getting disconnected out of nowhere, and someone said it might be because I am in so many channels. So what I was thinking, is connecting to financialchat TWICE with the same mIRC.exe open.

I made a simple little script where I type '/fin' and it connects me to the server, and runs a whole bunch of commands, however, it runs the commands way to soon. This is what I had, but obviously doesnt work, because it tries joining before actually in the server. So maybe a little help? I'm sure there is just one little thing that I can do to make this happen. What do I need to add to WAIT for the connect before running the commands (similar to ON perform). Here is the coding in the ALIAS:

/fin {
  /server irc.financialchat.com:7000
  /server -m irc.financialchat.com:7000
/fin2 {
  /nick NICKNAME
  /msg nickserv identify PASSWORD
  /join #channel1
  /join #channel2
  /join #channel3
  /join #channel4
  /join #channel5
/fin3 {
  /nick NICKNAME2
  /msg nickserv identify PASSWORD
  /join #channel6
  /join #channel7
  /join #channel8
  /join #channel9
  /join #channel10
  /join #channel11


I believe by having two different connects to financialchat, I will not get disconnected as often. Thanks in advance to anyone that can helpout.

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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Well, you don't need all of the finX aliases, only the first one.
This gives you a nick and altnick on each connection, and joins the specified channels.
alias fin {
  server irc.financialchat.com:7000 [color:indigo]-i nick1 anick1[/color] [color:salmon]-j #channel1,#channel2,#channel3,#channel4,#channel5[/color]
  server -m irc.financialchat.com:7000 [color:indigo]-i nick2 anick2[/color] [color:salmon]-j #channel6,#channel7,#channel8,#channel9,#channel10.#channel11[/color]
; Now, use an on connect event to identify. You can use [color:brown]/identify <passwd>[/color] on financialchat, simpler and more secure. :)
on *:connect:*:identify $passwd
; Finally the custom "$passwd" identifier. Change the [color:blue]nicks[/color] and [color:red]passwds[/color] to the appropriate ones. If the same passwd is used for each nick, simply change the "$passwd" in the connect event tp suit.
alias passwd {
  if $me == [color:blue]Nick1[/color] { return [color:red]password1[/color] }
  elseif $me == [color:blue]nick2[/color] { return [color:red]passwd2[/color] }

Joined: Jun 2004
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KuJaX Offline OP
Pikka bird
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Pikka bird
Joined: Jun 2004
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Thanks a lot for the help.

What about if I need a password for a channel. I tried

server -m irc.financialchat.com:7000 -i nick2 anick2 -j #channel6 PASSWORD,#channel7,#channel8,#channel9,#channel10.#channel11

and it asked for correct key

Last edited by KuJaX; 08/06/04 06:44 AM.
Joined: Aug 2003
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Ah yes, well you use this syntax...
server -m irc.financialchat.com:7000 -i nick2 anick2 -j #channel6,#channel7,#channel8,#channel9,#channel10,#channel11   PASSWORD1,blank,key3,blank,blank,key6,etc

Joined: Jun 2004
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KuJaX Offline OP
Pikka bird
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Pikka bird
Joined: Jun 2004
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Thanks a lot..... I tried it and didn't seem to work........

Lets just have an assumption. smile

lets say my code looks like this:

server -m irc.financialchat.com:7000 -i nick2 anick2 -j #chanONE,#chanTWO,#chanTHREE,#chanFOUR,#chanFIVE blank,blank,blank,channelfourpassword,blank

This is basically what my code looks like, other than of course those arent the channel names, and those arent the passwords. Lets say that for #chanFOUR the password is "channelfourpassword". Normall I would type

/join #chanFOUR channelfourpassword

so, how exactly would I put that in the form you showed me? Because I tried it a few ways, and it didn't work. Thanks a lot for your help. I really appreciate it. smile cool

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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
Joined: Aug 2003
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Well the real proper syntax is to have empty fields /join #chan1,#chan2,chan3,#chan4,#chan5,#chan6 ,,,chan4key,,chan6key
Using "blank" as a placeholder should work just fine as it isn't a "wrong key" if there is no key set.

Edit: In fact just tested now and it wouldn't work with the empty field on one network, but did with the "blank" placeholder. You can try "0" instead and see if it works for that network.

Last edited by Iori; 08/06/04 07:14 AM.

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