It would be appropriate for the Feature Request forum if it were confirmed that this is now the intended behaviour of the URL Catcher by the developers, and not an un-intended behaviour brought on by some changes (perhaps the URL switches that Mentality referenced)

Then again, control of the sort behaviour may be something some people would like, so it would be a good feature anyway ... but I deviate :tongue:
I've just noticed a quirk to the behaviour now, by accident: I Ieft the URL Catcher window open while I went to eat dinner (a hard days IRC'ing makes you peckish), and when I came back all the new URLs that had been caught were listed at the bottom in order of capture (old style behaviour). So I had a chunk of URLs that were alphabetically ordered, and then the new ones in date order at the bottom. When I closed and re-opened the URL Catcher window, all the URLs were sorted in alphabetical order.
I guess it sorts them when the window is opened. But surely it should be consistent: either it does them always alphabetically, or it does them in order of capture. A mixture is confussing, even if it can be rectified by closing and re-opening the window.