Hey there,
Firstly, you don't connect to mIRC, you connect to IRC
with mIRC. mIRC has nothing to do with the individual channels, servers or networks that exist on IRC. They each have individual rules, services and indeed, bans (bans from a server are called K-Lines. Bans from an entire network are group of servers are called G-Lines). See
this thread for further information.
The message there is saying "try a server closer to you" - in other words, a server that is located in your country or a country that is close to you. Let's assume that you live in Australia. If you connect to a server in the UK (it might have the country code .uk in the server name) then it might have *.au (Australia) K-lined with that message. Therefore, you need to try a server in Australia or Asia, as that's the next closest continent.
To find a list of servers check out the network's website. If you don't know the address, search
Google. I did a little searching for you and Austnet's server list can be found