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#7966 23/01/03 12:31 PM
Joined: Dec 2002
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Ameglian cow
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Ameglian cow
Joined: Dec 2002
Posts: 20
when you join a channel the server sends you the JOIN raw. i wanted to re-act on this event with

raw JOIN:*:echo -s $1-

but the thing doesn't even trigger (i see the event coming up in the /debug window). so what can i do? ON JOIN doesn't seem to be the right thing.

what i want to do in the end is the following. irc-ops can force you to join channels just by sending you this event. i don't want that to happen. so i want to halt, when not the user himself requested the join.

thanks for any help on this.

#7967 23/01/03 12:45 PM
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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You can't. the server itself sent you a JOIN, followed by channel info and nicklist. all you can do is an immediate /part.

If you want, open a debug window - /debug @win - and see what exactly is being sent to you.

#7968 23/01/03 01:40 PM
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Ameglian cow
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Ameglian cow
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i know what's being send, but i wanted mirc not to pop up the channel window. i thought maybe i could stop it when the RAW JOIN comes in, then send the part. so i wouldn't see that there was a join.

#7969 23/01/03 01:55 PM
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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JOIN isn't a raw, it's just
:nick!user@host JOIN :#channel
that triggers the On JOIN event.

Currently it's not possible to hide or minimize channel window as they are open.

The only way to get around this, though, is by sending the command /join -n #channel by yourself, so that the channel will be open minimized.

If, for example, you are being forced to join #chat on connect, use:
On *:connect: if $network == Lamenet { join -n #chat }
On me:*:join:#chat: .raw part #chat

#7970 23/01/03 02:10 PM
Joined: Dec 2002
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Ameglian cow
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Ameglian cow
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Posts: 20
ok just one question then, what makes an event count as non-numeric (as written in the mirc help) and when is it a normal event?

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