There's a bit of redundancy here:
on !6:TEXT:!mopop *:#: {
if ($ulevel == 6) {
mode $1 +o $2 }
else {
msg $nick You don't have the user levels to do that! }
Ok, so you want only user level 6 to be able to trigger this. So let's try a few things. First, how many ON TEXT events do you have of level 6 nature in the same remote file? More than one can cause problems. Also, try some of the code below:
!6:TEXT:!mopop *:#://mode $1 +o $2
In the above the blue is not needed because on text events CANT be triggered by the script host (the one running the script). Im alos going to assume by your code that the format for said command is
!mopop #channelname nicknameSomething else you can do is:
+6:TEXT:!mopop *:#://mode $1 +o $2
The above script because of the
+ means ONLY level 6 users can trigger said event. Another solution would be (since it appears you want to respond to NON level 6 users with a message):
on *:text:!mopop *:#: {
if ($ulevel == 6) { mode $1 +o $2 }
else { msg $nick You don't have the user levels to do that! }
Another idea you could try is:
@*:text:!mopop *:#: {
if ($ulevel == 6) { mode $1 +o $2 }
else { msg $nick You don't have the user levels to do that! }
In the above, the
@ means "dont trigger this event UNLESS I (the one running the script) am opped
You COULD (if you wanted to) even combine things from above like this:
@+6:TEXT:!mopop *:#://mode $1 +o $2
The above means:
1) If I am opped
2) the user triggering the event has level 6 access
3) perform the script
I hope all of this helps you out. Im not the best iwth userlevels, but this is jsut an example and shoudl give you ideas