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#77631 03/04/04 01:37 AM
Joined: Apr 2004
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Bowl of petunias
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Bowl of petunias
Joined: Apr 2004
Posts: 2
When i look at the tab local ports in Mirc I get :

Current Ports in Use
113 :: Normally Identd but could be Invisible Identd Deamon - Kazimas
123 :: Net Controller
135 :: Normally MS Netbios but could be Chode
137 :: Normally MS Netbios-NS but could be (UDP) - Msinit
138 :: Normally MS Netbios-DGM but could be Chode
139 :: Normally MS Netbios-SSN but could be Chode - God Message worm - Msinit - Netlog - Network - Qaz
1025 :: Remote Storm
1042 :: BLA trojan
5000 :: Used by Windows UPnP usually found in XP and ME turned on by default but can also be seen on in Win2k. Also used by trojans (Blazer5 - Bubbel - ICKiller - Ra1d - Sockets des Troie)
6060 :: Invision 2.0 Default DCC Server Port
============== Finished ================

Does Mirc use all these ports?And i see there is something about a trojanport open? I already did a few checks if i had a trojan but they all came up clean. I use XP Prof and Za firewall and i am using Mirc
6.12 .

Last edited by Shadowrave; 03/04/04 01:40 AM.
#77632 03/04/04 02:09 AM
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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mIRC uses port 113 for IdentD. It uses, by default, ports 1024 to 5000 for DCC. If enabled, mIRC will use port 59 for DCCServer.

All of these ports are customisable.

To change the port used for IdentD, go to ALT+O > Connect > IdentD (Highly NOT recommended!)

To change the port used for DCCServer, go to ALT+O > DCC > Server

To change the ports used for DCC, go to ALT+O > Connect > Options > [Advanced]

For DCC it's usually best to use 2 ports in the range of 1024-5000, preferably consecutive. First: must be the port number at the start of the port range, and Last: must be the last one. So, if you open 4000, 4001, 4002, 4003 and 4004, you would put:

First: 4000 Last: 4004

If you have Firewall(s) you will need to forward the ports and then set them in mIRC options - mIRC does not override the firewall. The same goes for routers. It is unlikely you'll need to use DCCServer. Port 113 should be used for Identd all the time.

For safety sakes you should consider always having a trojan scanner and virus scanner on your computer at all times, with auto protect features enabled where possible. Check out the trojan resources post. Whatever program gave you that list is probably informing you that those ports can be used by trojans, not necessarily that you've got one.

You can use this program to safely disable UPnP on your computer if you like smile

Hope this helps!


#77633 03/04/04 08:22 AM
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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123,135,137,138,139,1025,1042: port scans on those (among other regulars) constantly show up in my ZA alert/blocking logs. mIRC is quite content to not have them open.

ParaBrat @#mIRCAide DALnet
#77634 03/04/04 11:50 PM
Joined: Apr 2004
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Bowl of petunias
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Bowl of petunias
Joined: Apr 2004
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For safety sakes you should consider always having a trojan scanner and virus scanner on your computer at all times, with auto protect features enabled where possible. Check out the trojan resources post. Whatever program gave you that list is probably informing you that those ports can be used by trojans, not necessarily that you've got one.

I have NAv installed, will install a trojan hunter also now. Mirc gave me that list, it was shown under the local ports tab and i thought that i had a trojan already blush All the scans came out clean. Thanks for the fast help. wink

Last edited by Shadowrave; 03/04/04 11:51 PM.

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