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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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how can i use /font to make sure all windows use that font?
New username: hixxy
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Fjord artisan
Fjord artisan
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/font -asgd a for active s for status g for finger window d defaults all that type of window, then query yourself and /font -ad yournick params will set for all query indows i think, i guess this would work for all windows, it seems like a long way to do it, how about using the /font command in an on open event.... just an idea, not sure if its exactly what your looking for
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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i already knew how to do that, i was hoping someone knew a way for an on load event, thanks anyway.
New username: hixxy
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Perhaps a loop through $window(*,n) on each cid would work?
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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i wanted to set it as a default font also, and you can't use -d and a window according to the help file.
New username: hixxy
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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The helpfile is mistaken on that matter, from a quick test.
"/font -d #channel 9 fixedsys" changed both the font in #channel and the font in the channel I opened afterwards
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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ok thanks this is sort of related to this topic (/font was for a theme) and there is no point in making a new thread, does anyone know why this still echos the default <$me> text
on *:input:*:{
font -d $target 11 bright
if $left($1,1) == $readini($mircini,text,commandchar) && $1 != /me && !$ctrlenter { return }
elseif $1 == /me && !$ctrlenter {
.me $2-
align $active $+($scheme,*,$me) $2-
elseif $left($1,1) != $readini($mircini,text,commandchar) {
.say $1-
align $active $me $1-
elseif $left($1,1) == $readini($mircini,text,commandchar) && $ctrlenter {
.say $1-
align $active $me $1-
my only other on input event is this, which shouldn't make a difference
on *:input:#:{
if $1 == !seen {
inc -u5 %seen
if %seen == 3 {
.notice $nick flood control enabled, please wait..
elseif %seen > 3 { return }
if $2 {
if $2 == $me { .notice $me ask a mirror. }
elseif $2 != $me {
if $2 ison # { .notice $me $2 is in # now }
elseif $2 !ison # {
if $hget(seen,$2) { .notice $nick $2 $replace($hget(seen,$2),looking for $nick,looking for you) }
elseif !$hget(seen,$2) { .notice $nick $2 has not been seen by me yet. }
elseif !$2 { .notice $nick there are $iif($hget(seen,0).item,$ifmatch,no) entries in my database. }
New username: hixxy
Joined: Dec 2002
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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A . seems to have no effect on /say, try using .msg $target $1- instead.
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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New username: hixxy