dialog MIXXPal {
title "MIXXNet - MIXX Pal"
size -1 -1 168 184
option dbu
text "MIXX Pal: ? Copyright 2004 Jessie King (Phase)", 1, 24 173 123 8
text "MIXX Pal was written for the purpose to bring ease to MIXXNet users by making it easier to add SOP,AOP,HOP,VOP on a channel's list without having to type the full commands. It also allows you to tune into MIXXNet's 2 main radio stations MIXX94.1 and Party107, using Internet Explorer (Winamp,RealPlayer) or Mozilla FireBird (Winamp,RealPlayer). MIXX Pal lists all four servers linked to the mian server (irc.mixxnet.net). ", 2, 36 6 98 90
link "www.mixxnet.net", 3, 6 110 44 8
link "www.mixx941.com", 4, 57 110 47 8
link "www.Party107.com", 5, 112 110 49 8
link "www.phaseonline.net", 6, 58 162 54 8
box "Links:", 7, 2 101 164 70
icon 8, 43 124 76 33, C:\Documents and Settings\Rent-A-Center\My Documents\My Pictures\mixxnetTEMP.jpg, 0