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#76088 21/03/04 11:55 PM
Joined: Mar 2004
Posts: 1
Mostly harmless
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Mostly harmless
Joined: Mar 2004
Posts: 1
Im new to MiRC. can any 1 show me an example of what to type so i could look for a movie.

#76089 22/03/04 12:09 AM
Joined: Jun 2003
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
Joined: Jun 2003
Posts: 5,024
mIRC is a text chat program. It is meant for chatting, not downloading. There are other programs that can be used for that, mIRC is not one of them - it's file sharing capabilities are basic and not meant for advanced mass file trading.

Downloading movies is actually illegal (yes, people do it, but it is illegal). We do not help with it on these Forums, a lot of networks do not allow it to happen on their servers and many help channels will not help with it either.

Remember, IRC means Internet Relay Chat - use it for that!

You might like to read this post.


#76090 22/03/04 07:17 AM
Joined: Jan 2003
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Fjord artisan
Fjord artisan
Joined: Jan 2003
Posts: 428
[*] mIRC is designed to use IRC networks that are themselves designed just to let people type messages to each other in real time. No voice, no video, no p2p. If this is too dull for you, you need to find something else. Some of us happen to like the simplicity of it all.

[*] mIRC *is* designed to cater for small-scale file exchange between friends, like baby pics and holiday snaps. Even mIRC's author acknowledges that these limited capabilities are in no way up to the standard of dedicated file sharing systems - for the simple reason that they aren't meant to be!

[*] Some people think that using a chat system for illegal file sharing is either clever or cool. It's neither, and will ultimately result in servers and perhaps entire networks being shut down to avoid legal action or the expense of preventing criminal activity.

[*] Even for those people who persist in distributing movies and music in violation of copyright, there is no single standard for searching for files - exactly BECAUSE this is not what the IRC networks or the mIRC client are designed for. There is therefore no answer to your question.


IRCnet & DALnet @#travelersinn
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#76091 22/03/04 09:32 AM
Joined: Dec 2002
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
Joined: Dec 2002
Posts: 2,985
This is what I type:

/run iexplore http://greaterunion.com.au/

Just subtitute the domain name for the one owned by the cinema chain in your part of the world.

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