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Self-satisified door
Self-satisified door
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Ok I was banned from a channel by this guy and I got a new ip and I have +x set now I tried to join the channel and it says I m still banned? How is this possible when I have a new ip and it is my first time joining the channel? How does this guy always know who I am? How does this guy always know who I am and stuff I am just curiousew new ip, +xed i mean how serously how the hell does he know
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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I doubt you will be helped with ban evasion here. You're not wanted in the channel, so stay out of it until you're unbanned.
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Fjord artisan
Fjord artisan
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well.. regardless of evasion.. i could care less. anyways, purely for education. your nick could be banned along with your ident. for example. *!*@*your.ip.here | *bah*@* and so on. try changing your ident and or nickname and try again
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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NightCrawler: You just saw Collective say we wouldn't help with ban evasion (and he is of course right) so why be so rude as to go right against that? *sigh* 1nt3l: As has already been pointed out it's wrong to ban evade. In most networks it's even a reason to have you banned from the network. If people don't want you in their channel that is their right, it is not *your* choice whether or not you stay in a channel. Try reading this page - We have no affiliation with a specific network or channel and have no "power" to unban people. Regards,
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Fjord artisan
Fjord artisan
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NightCrawler: You just saw Collective say we wouldn't help with ban evasion (and he is of course right) so why be so rude as to go right against that? *sigh* well mentality. that was of course, collectives decision, not mine. no one here can tell me who i can help and who i cant whatever the reason. i felt within my own judgment that i should help the guy out whether it be educational or evasion. it would be very easy to ban him again. but come a time when he wants to ban someone from his channel and the person still comes in. now he knows what kind of bans to use. its not a huge deal. i mean. u gotta learn one way or another. p.s my being rude is your own opinion. i could say the same to you for even thinking about passing a judgment on me.
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Self-satisified door
Self-satisified door
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but how does he know who iam... forget the ban i dont care about the channel how does he always find out what my alias is?
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Fjord artisan
Fjord artisan
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oi, because my posts seem to be more on a radical side and i will probably never fit the view of many others i will have to ask that if u want more info on the subject, send me a pm
Last edited by NightCrawler8283; 14/03/04 05:11 PM.
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Silly me, should have known ban evading is ok!
Last edited by Mentality; 14/03/04 06:45 PM.
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Vogon poet
Vogon poet
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He means you could have been banned just by nick and/or username ... YourNick!*@* or *!* YourUsername@* or a combo of both YourNick!* YourUsername@* So even if your host/ip has changed, if you use the same nickand/or username, the ban mask used will still be effective .. so try using a different nick and usernameEdit: Mentality, after reading the next post .. 
Last edited by TonyTheTiger; 14/03/04 06:17 PM.
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Fjord artisan
Fjord artisan
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eh, for all concerned
we obviously do not promote, encourage, or help with evadeing, if your not wanted in the channel stayout.
however, i see nothing wrong with educating someone on how bans work, this is useful information. Some times because of evaders more strict bans are set, i even have entire country extentions baned in my channel, which i've found to be nessicary, it does however restrict some inocent users from joining my channel, and those users have a right to understand why.
not knowing the exact case here. the answer to the first question as was already pointed out there are different kinds of bans, a ban can be set on an ip, or on a nick, or ident, or any combination of the 3. even partial hostnames.
for example someone could ban *!*@*.com and that would ban thousands and thousands of users no doubt. all from many different ip addresses.
sometimes i've placed bans like ?????????!?????????@* because of a specific clone script that uses random chrs in forming the nick and idents of its clones to atack a channel via proxies .. this bans anyone with a nick and an ident of 9 chrs in length .. different kinds of bans are set to combat different kinds of threts.
as for your 2nd question, how does he know who you are
there are many things that could give this away, your ident is proably it though, als your 'name' filed is visible during a whois.
i hope this has cleared things up and settled the dispute about what kind of help we will and will not provide.
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Fjord artisan
Fjord artisan
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thank you cobra for your assistance  you too Tony 
Last edited by NightCrawler8283; 14/03/04 06:51 PM.
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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"no one here can tell me who i can help and who i cant whatever the reason. i felt within my own judgment that i should help the guy out whether it be educational or evasion."
There is a big difference between educating someone about how bans work and intentionally helping with and suggesting they ban evade. We dont dictate who to help/not help, we do however ask that everyone respect the very few policies we set. As Cobra, Collective and Mentality all pointed out, one of those policies is that we do not help or encourage ban evasion.
"it would be very easy to ban him again" sure, but then he has gone from a situation that was possible to amicably resolve, to seriously annoying the channel ops beyond discussion as well as being subject to the possibility of a kline for ban evading. Whatever the reason for the ban, far better to suggest the user discuss it with the ops in that channel to work it out.