change the "msg $chan /mode" to just "/mode $chan". You want to execute the command, not send it to the channel. Also, you may want to look into user modes. I would add yourself to the bot's userlist with a simple command like:
/auser 10 $address(shy_and_quiet, 11)
Then change the command to:
on 10:TEXT:op shy guardian:#Free_Women: {
; i'd normall use the @ prefix, but instead we can give a notice
if ($me isop $chan) /mode $chan +o shy_and_quiet
else /msg $chan Sorry, i do not have operator status
The on
10:... means that a user will level 10 (Set using the /auser command) has access to the command. this way a stragler can't just come in and use the command. Though I suppose only one user would benefit from the command, but if someone were to join with your name (and it wasn't you) they could easily op themself otherwise. As for using $address(shy_and_quiet, 11), that mixes your mask in with the name so that if they have your name, with your internet provider, we can almost bet it is you.