The simplest way to do what you want is to put a version text file on your web site that just contains a line that has the version number (or build number) <space> URL link to the file, followed by a blank line. It's a simple matter to then open a socket to your web site, GET that file and compare the value found against the current version/build that's in use, stored inside your script somewhere, such as in a variable, in an .ini file or in a hash table entry.
on *:START: sockopen VersionCheck.YourScriptName 80
on *:SOCKOPEN:VersionCheck.YourScriptName: sockwrite -n $sockname GET /path/to/MyVersion.txt
on *:SOCKREAD:VersionCheck.YourScriptName:{
var %version
sockread %version
tokenize 32 %version
if ($1 > %Version.MyScript) echo 4 -ati2 * A newer version exists. Download it at $2
sockclose $sockname
MyVersion.txt12345 http[/b]://www[/b]
<blank line>