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Pan-dimensional mouse
Pan-dimensional mouse
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Hi, i don't get it. it don't work..
on 1:join:#: { if ($nick ison #channel) { /ban $chan $nick /kick $nick $chan and out you go! } else { /halt } }
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Babel fish
Babel fish
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For ison to work, you'd need to be on the channel. If not, you'll have to work with a whois reply via numerics and the raw prefix.
Acquire. Analyze. Adapt.
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Pan-dimensional mouse
Pan-dimensional mouse
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hem, but how to do that?!
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Pikka bird
Pikka bird
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What are you trying to do?
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Vogon poet
Vogon poet
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Line 1: The ON @1 triggers only if you are operator in your channel. Line 2: $chan hold the channel name the event occurs Line 3:Also i suggest to ban the address instead of only the nick Line 3+4: The / is not needed in an event. ON @1:join:#YourChannel: {
IF ($nick ison $chan) {
ban $chan $address($nick,3)
kick $nick $chan and out you go!
DALnet: #HelpDesk, #mIRC, #MISHScript - Undernet: #mIRC, #mIRC-Scripts
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Pan-dimensional mouse
Pan-dimensional mouse
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hm.. ok.. if you say so..
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Babel fish
Babel fish
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You'll need something to queue this, so you don't get flooded off. I won't include my queue script, though. on 1:JOIN:#:whois $nick
raw 319:*#*:{
var %chans = $3- , %i = 0
while (%i < $numtok(%chans,32)) {
inc %i
if ($gettok(%chans,%i,32) == #badchan) && $comchan($2,0)) {
;cycle through your chans through $comchan, and ban them
Acquire. Analyze. Adapt.
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Pan-dimensional mouse
Pan-dimensional mouse
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What im trying to do is: If a person from, lets say the channel #test. Joins my channel, and i don't want any people from "#test" to be at my channel. Then they get kick/banned.. Sorry for my bad english..
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Pan-dimensional mouse
Pan-dimensional mouse
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ohh thanks dude..
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Fjord artisan
Fjord artisan
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Using if ($nick ison $chan) is quite useless since s/he joined s/he must be in the channel
You won't like it when I get angry.
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Fjord artisan
Fjord artisan
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well, the first explain wasn't verry clear also..
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Babel fish
Babel fish
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on @1:JOIN:#: if ($nick ison #test) { /kick $chan $nick Get Out From Here /ban $chan $nick 9 }
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ it will be kban nick who online on channel #test, but you must idle on channel #test and you must have operator type @ kick that nick
-= Win 95 Virusses =- -= Try To Infecting Virus =-
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Pan-dimensional mouse
Pan-dimensional mouse
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Yeah, it works. But I have to be in the channel #test, or else it’s not working...
I need, if I am in channel #1, and a nick from #2 joins... Then kick the nick from chan #2... And am not in chan #2.. How to get it work!?
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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on @*:JOIN:#: .raw WHOIS $nick
raw 319:*:{
; An easy way to set up a kick message in an easy spot to change it. Just to make the message easier to read, I have
; set it across three lines. Yours might not be as long.
var %KickMessage
%KickMessage = :I have the right to decide which channels you may join. You may not be on $gettok($3-,%i,32) while I have
%KickMessage = %KickMessage anything to say about it. Furthermore, if I should join a channel where you are opped, I will
%KickMessage = %KickMessage take offense if you check my channels and find one that is disagreeable to your personal
%KickMessage = %KickMessage beliefs and kick me as a result, as your beliefs do not pertain to me.
var %BadChannels = #Chan2 #Chan3 #Chan4 | ; The list of channels we feel, in our inestimable wisdom, people should not be in
var %i = 1 | ; Loop index through the visible channels in 319
var %j = $comchan($2,0) | ; The number of common channels shared with $2 ($nick)
; While there are more channels to check for their evilness...
while ($gettok($3-,%i,32)) {
; If we find a channel that we feel they shouldn't be on...
if ($istok(%BadChannels,$ifmatch,32)) {
; Then while there are more common channels I share with $2 ($nick)...
while (%j) {
; If I'm opped in this channel, then kickban him with my haughty kick message in one data packet.
if ($comchan($2,%j).op) .raw mode $comchan($2,%j) +b $address($2,2) $+ $crlf $+ kick $comchan($2,%j) $2 %KickMessage
; Back up to the previous common channel
dec %j
; Since we have removed this evil person from all the channels we can, there is no need to continue looking to see if
; they match anymore appalling channels.
; Otherswise, try to go to the next channel and check it for foulness.
inc %i
} <rant seeing=red>
If you don't want to see the horrid channels I'm in, don't look. You are not my keeper, nor my judge; you're not even my Mom. I'm quite sure you probably have some beliefs that I would find offensive, but I also believe in your right to have those beliefs, however I feel personally about them. I'm also pretty sure I believe in some things which will probably offend you. Who are you to tell me or anyone else what channels are acceptable and which channels I may not frequent? If you are God, then I will listen; last time I checked, God didn't need to talk to people using IRC directly and, to date, no one has let me know of anyone providing Internet service for the hosts of Heaven, so God is probably not on IRC, typing messages to me.
DALnet: #HelpDesk and #m[color:#FF0000]IR[color:#EEEE00]C
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Pan-dimensional mouse
Pan-dimensional mouse
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wee, thanks man.  really nice of you..