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Babel fish
Babel fish
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this is true happen to Webnet IRC Server one of the popular IRC Server
just look up channel #Allah and read the topic there are a thousand plp report about this to the admin but they ignoring us without giving a unreasonable reasons..
and i hope,someone who have the POWER can talk to them about this,and please STOP this thing... also in other servers
and i still remember that IRCop will akills anyone who talks about that channel,especially Scottk,Mougly,Witch and other...
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Noone has power over the server admins, they can run their server how they like unless it breaks the law.
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Babel fish
Babel fish
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need more AMATURE replies off topic: why some hacking site/sharing site closed ?? u just said they can run their server how they like unless it breaks the law.
so the admin of that webserver have the power to put anything he/she wants to his webspace..is it agains the rules ?? so why knife/guns didnt banned ?? some idiot plp using it to kills..
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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why some hacking site/sharing site closed ?? Filesharing sites tend to break the law and get closed, as do hacking sites.
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Babel fish
Babel fish
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so blaming other religions/races is not againts the law ?? what kind of laws is it ??
who will u do if someone BLAMING your parents ?? i dont think u will stand alone like a silly child
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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1. I can't even get on webchat to look at the topic, so... 2. I do not know the applicable laws in this situation 3. I doubt you do either 4. If you think the owners of the server are breaking the law then I suggest contacting the police 5. Noone here can do anything about it, there are no police of IRC (not Khaled if you've got that idea into your head) that can take the topic away
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Babel fish
Babel fish
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u cant see the topic ?? u need more pratice while in irc type /server irc.webchat.org if u cant join the channel,just type /cs info #Allah u could use /chanserv info #Allah
take the topic away ??
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Babel fish
Babel fish
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why only Collective replies my topic ?? where is others ?? sleep maybe
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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u need more pratice while in irc I need more practice...right. I typed that command already and got "Connection refused", on many ports. If you were better than me on IRC then you would know that this topic is POINTLESS, and for a good reason: Noone here can do anything about it. Edit: Got on, they don't seem to listen on 6667, or other ports I tried, just 7000.
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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and i hope,someone who have the POWER can talk to them about this,and please STOP this thing... Nobody here has any power to do anything about what happens on an IRC server. mIRC is simply a program that allows you to connect to that server, in much the same way that Internet Explorer connects to websites and shows you the contents of the site. And also just like Internet Explorer, mIRC is in no way responsible for the things that you see when you connect to a server and has no affiliation with the people who run that server. As for what it says in the topic in that channel, it was most likely put there by the channel operators. Whether or not the server staff do anything about what it says is up to them. The laws that apply to an IRC server depend on where that server is located geographically, in many countries there are little or no laws restricting what people can put on their own property (remember the server is the property of the server admins) - whether it's racially prejudiced or not.
Spelling mistakes, grammatical errors, and stupid comments are intentional.
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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*Sigh* Do i really need to get into an argument this early? >:\ Let me first start off by saying this is a forum that deals with the software mIRC, not a discussion on how Network Admins have or need to run their server. Anything you express on here, or demand, will have no effect on your current statis on a server. Please, save it for the server ops. Next, Im just going to rebutle your comments: so the admin of that webserver have the power to put anything he/she wants to his webspace..is it agains the rules ??
Yes, they can run the server how ever they please. Not much is against the law as far as discriminating users, as it is a private server. They make the rules. if you don't like it, you can either find a new server, or complain to your lil heart's content. so why knife/guns didnt banned ?? some idiot plp using it to kills..
I'm not sure where you live, by USA has an ammendment saying "you have the right to bare arms" To me, this isn't makinf it 'banned'. You do have to go through a series of checksums, but that's hardly being banned from using it. so blaming other religions/races is not againts the law ?? what kind of laws is it ??
who will u do if someone BLAMING your parents ?? i dont think u will stand alone like a silly child
Your annalogies are completly assinine. They have little or no relevance to the topic, so please jsut stop. Again, this is not a forum to argument server policies. Take your complaints elsewhere. I'm sure the server has a website, so go email that. This is not the place to be complaining aboiut how an admin whom has rights to the server, runs it.
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Yeah mIRC's default port for Webchat is 7000.
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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I tried it and it sent me to 666 $+ (something from 0 to 9), oh well, maybe I missed something.
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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666 $+ $r(0,9) worked for me, maybe you were redirected to a server that's allowing port 7000 only. What an unlucky day
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Babel fish
Babel fish
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ya ya....u right kingtomato u always wanna be the best  i cant denied it actually man,i only read your text 25% sorry to say that... actually,where is other comments ???????????
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Fjord artisan
Fjord artisan
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Fjord artisan
Fjord artisan
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What makes you think we care about it any more than the server admins? Its not our problem. So go away.
*Edit* Sorry collective, this isn't aimed at you, its aimed at coder. I accidentally hit the wrong nickname.
-------- mIRC - fun for all the family (except grandma and grandpa)
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Maybe you will do me the courtesy of reading 100% of my reply. Mirc has nothing to do with how any network or channels are run. We cant do anything about what they do or dont allow. This is a help forum for mIRC, we are not here to argue any networks policies as it would be pointless. If you dont like how a network is run, there are many others to choose from. This is not a debating forum, we dont get into discussions about religion or politics or war or anything but helping users with mIRC and IRC. If you have a problem with a channel, i suggest you contact the webchat admins. Their website gives channels you can go to to speak with them, as well as ways to contact them. I noticed this on their website about some channels: "Unfortunately we may not agree with their views, but they are protected by the first ammendment and deserve the same treatment as any other channel on the network. " (at http://www.webchat.org/closures.html ) You need to take your concerns up with the admins of that network, this is not the place for this discussion.
ParaBrat @#mIRCAide DALnet
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Babel fish
Babel fish
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i'll zip my mouth sorry ParaBrat,lucky he got power in this room so much respect like i respec other religion but not like WebNet Adminstartion do...
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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ParaBrat is a goddess >:P * KingTomato gives ParaBrat a couple PB Cookies