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Ameglian cow
Ameglian cow
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I some times experience this problem myself, even though I don't find it to be a problem, just an annoyance. First of all, go here to see a more or less detailed explanation of this WINSOCK error message (Notice that the "software" caused a "connection abort" because of some OTHER problem. The "software" is not normally the one to blame here).

As you can see in the explanation, there can be a multitude of possible causes for this error message. Though there might be a bug in either Win XP or mIRC 6.x that causes it to happen at more "regular" times, and my guess would be that it's a mIRC bug, since mIRC 5.9x didn't seem to behave like this.

I personally experience this problem when our DSL modem gets disconnected from our ISP, when our router reboots, or when I pull out the TP cable from my computer.

That being said, a good deal of these error messages are (as far as I have experienced) hardware related (disconnected modems, failing routers, bad TP cable), and this doesn't have to be hardware in my immediate surroundings.

Anyone else have additional useful info about this? I have noticed that some of the posts on this thread are pretty far fetched, wouldn't surprise me if someone blamed UFO's soon smirk

* [10053] UFO caused connection abort grin

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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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I personally experience this problem when our DSL modem gets disconnected from our ISP, when our router reboots, or when I pull out the TP cable from my computer.
That being said, a good deal of these error messages are (as far as I have experienced) hardware related (disconnected modems, failing routers, bad TP cable), and this doesn't have to be hardware in my immediate surroundings.

Well this would be an obvious explanation .. IF all connections were dropped ... but this is rarely the case in my situation .. it seems to happen at a random time on a random connection. In no way is this hardware related.

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Fjord artisan
Fjord artisan
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Sorry I didn't read this whole thread, it's way too long, so if this is repeat info, and a moderator reads this please remove this post... But here is my two cents, just a guess from someone that is a programmer of many languages...

This error is most likely caused by one of these two situations...

- Read/Write buffers are full, rather than corrupting the data, the connection is droped...

- Events are not being processed fast enough, there is too large of a collection of events that haven't been processed yet, and the "buffer" for managing events is full...

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Self-satisified door
Self-satisified door
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This error is most likely caused by one of these two situations...

- Read/Write buffers are full, rather than corrupting the data, the connection is droped...

- Events are not being processed fast enough, there is too large of a collection of events that haven't been processed yet, and the "buffer" for managing events is full...

That didn't seemed to be the problem to me. I'm using xp with mirc 6.03 and one of the tests i made was connecting to a random server, creating a new channel and sitting idle for a while (I tried this a couple of times). There was no one on the channel, I wasn't chatting to anyone, no Dcc sends/transfers and after a while being idle (30 miinutes to an hour), I typed a few words then sent them to channel (propably reactivating communications with the server) and got THE ERROR :- SOFTWARE CAUSED CONNECTION TO ABORT frown frown frown frown It seems that the client/server doesn't receive the ACK and ignores it's counterpart, assuming it's dead. I have noticed that mirc also stops showing in the status window the ping pong event ( while in IDLE mode ). My problem is solved if I type in any channel in a regular basis, and while doing this the ping pong event grows big in the status window. Since I can't stay awake forever this is not a considerable option.

One of my possible solutions to this problem might be the make of a macro that sends messages in a regular basis to a channel, just so mirc stays alive. Since I'm not an expert in scripting can this be done? :
Another question is : Could you make mIRC 5.x 32bits avaible for download, just until this problem is solved? TIA

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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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mIRC 32 bit 5.x are available for download, you can find 5.91 by clicking on Download mIRC to the left on your screen, or click here for the webpage . You can also find most past versions on stealth's website

Re something to send msgs regularly, you can use a timer, they are pretty simple to make. In mIRC just type /help /timer (altho realize that it may make some channel ops cranky if you do it in their channel on a frequent basis).

ParaBrat @#mIRCAide DALnet
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I know it's far away from an ideal solution, but I created a channel #timer grin, and started a timer (/timer5 0 60 /msg #timer ping pong)
It already passed almost an hour in idle mode and I not getting disconnected from the server grin grin grin grin grin.
I'll update this message as soon as I get new results.
Many thanks Miss ParaBrat wink

P.S. This are the aliases i'm using

/start_timer {
/join #timer
/timer 0 120 /msg #timer ping pong

/stop_timer /timer? off

Last edited by CrazyPerfect; 26/05/03 06:23 PM.
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i just installed 4 new copys of mirc 6.03 and i run 4 of them at once to different networks and they all do it at the same time funnine thing is never had this problem with any ohter mirc scripts like invision or ploaris

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I am having the same problem, in a slightly different context. I will describe my situation and what I have tried in as much detail as I can in the hope that it helps others (and myself) in tracking down the cause of the 10053 in my specific case.

First of all I dont IRC much in the sense that I chat or do DCC. I just go to one specific channel on one server almost every day to meet up with opponents for an online game. ( #magic-league on irc.quicknet.nl , in this case).

Now I normally do not use Mirc. The site for my game (www.magic-league.com) runs an applet that is basically an IRC client /front-end. I usually use that and from time to time Mirc 6.03. I have been happily using this site for nearly a year, on windows 98, without any issues. A few weeks ago I switched to a new PC with windows XP Home, making the old 98 box my backup machine.

The first two weeks of using the new PC all was fine. Then I started getting connection drops in the applet, though my other internet connections (eg email) worked ok. When these drops started to get more frequent I switched to using Mirc for better error-analysis. Hence I discovered the 10053 error messages. The problem is getting progressively worse, with conn drops getting ever more frequent, and not beeing identifiably triggered by any event. It is now at the point where I can barely log onto the IRC server, with the connection often hanging before I even see the complete Message of the Day (MOTD). Also, in the past a logon to the point where you get your command prompt (after the MOTD) would take about 2 seconds, it now takes up to 2 minutes.

Things I have tried: disabling the XP firewall did not help. I have recently replaced it with Norton Internet Security 2003, which prompted me on the first Mirc use and made the appropriate rules. Uninstalling Mirc 6.03 and installing Mirc 5.9 did not solve the problem. I doubt even using a different IRC client would help, though I havent tried that yet. So far it looked like a problem with the TCP/IP stack and sockets in XP.

However...yesterday, after the umpteenth 10053 connection loss on XP, I walked over to the old 98 box, (networked with XP using Internet Connection Sharing, cable modem) and fired up first the site with the applet, then Mirc, both times being confronted by 10053 conn losses immediately....on windows 98 ! On a machine that never had that problem before !
Weird eh ?

One more thing I will try is the connecting with the hard IP address on port 7000, hoping my IRC server does listen on that port.

Hopefully my info helps you experts to track things down, and I'll be happy to supply any other information you request.


I have also tried disabling all firewalls altogether (perhaps port 113 was blocked) but that didnt help either.
On a sidenote, since the forum says my post here was the most recent one (for the moment), why doesnt this thread jump back to the top of page 1 ? How else will you guys find out I added onto this thread ? ( confused

Last edited by Flying_Dutchman; 17/06/03 10:06 AM.
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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On a sidenote, since the forum says my post here was the most recent one (for the moment), why doesnt this thread jump back to the top of page 1 ? How else will you guys find out I added onto this thread ?

Many users here set it to show threads active within a certain time frame. New posts to an older thread will then show relative to the time of other new ones posted. For example, for me your post brought that thread to page 1. There isnt really much point to scrolling thru pages of inactive threads when you can let the msg board show you those active within whatever time frame you want. YOu can do this forum by forum, or for all forums, and on your personal preferences page.

ParaBrat @#mIRCAide DALnet
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can you help me understand what this means?

an email would be wonderful --


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Self-satisified door
Self-satisified door
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So if i'm seeing a lot of this '[10053] Software caused connection abort' and 'Unable to resolve server', and even the occasional '[10054] Connection reset by peer' or 'Unable to connect (Connection timed out)' all of a sudden could it be due to a corporate firewall my company setup without my knowledge? It seems strange though, i was just connected fine the other day, rebooted and then could never connect again. Also, i can't connect to any servers on any network, and yet i'm able to ping some...others just say 'request timed out'. Any opinions?



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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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10053 is rather common, especially with xp users, read thru this thread for things they have tried with success (no one answer fits all, sorry)

10054 basically a glitch somewhere along the connection.

unable to connect, or timed out, could mean the server is down, could be a slowness factor and increasing the line "if not connected in ___secs" under file/options/connect/options under the retry button a bit may help. (i use 60 secs). You mite try connecting on other ports (most have range of 6660-6669,7000-7001). Make sure you have identd enabled and arent blocking port 113, that mite slow things down. Only other thing i could suggest is perhaps try connecting to the ip rather than domain just in case you are having some dns probs.

Since its a cooperate firewall, there is always the possibility they dont want ppl IRCing and may have done some tweaking.

ParaBrat @#mIRCAide DALnet
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Well, i'm actually running win2k, so nothing there (referring to the XP solutions anyway). I tried cranking up my 'if not connected in __' but it hasn't paid off yet. Identd has always been enabled and never changed, and i also tried connecting to the IP instead of domain(s), still no luck. Its strange to, i've been connected for months practically off/on and then all of a sudden, i reboot one day and can never connect again. I'm thinking my company dropped in some sort of additional firewall rules then...but would that explain why i remained connected until i rebooted...wouldn't the firewall immediately have dropped my connection instead of requiring a reboot to start blocking?

Thanks again,


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[10053] has been a steady nemesis for me too.

*) Generally only affects mIRC - that is, ICQ, actively loading sites, downloads, etc, all remain in operation (Except in cases where the entire 'net connection goes south, which is identified by EVERYTHING dying.)

*) Has occured when AFK from machine. When in another CPU intensive app. When actively chatting. When PC has been freshly booted (at most an hour past boot). When PC has been on for some time and connected for some time. Latest occurance happened after a roughly 2 day 6 hour uptime for the mIRC client.

*) In most cases, can reconnect in about a minute w/o even closing mIRC.

*) Did NOT occur on system configuration previously (Win98SE, dialup connection)

* NOT connecting through firewall/proxy

System configuration:

Windows 2000 Professional
Pentium III 866MHz
Plenty of free space on both HDs
Connection passes through Linksys Wireless Router to cablemodem
Router is forwarding Identd and DCC ports to PC using mIRC
mIRC 5.91 (Yeah, I keep meaning to upgrade...)
System is updated to most recent Win2K updates

Have not tested (yet):

*) Using IP instead of server name/DNS
*) Forwarding IRC connection ports specifically via router config.


*) This is definitely a Win2K/WinXP issue. (No surprise - XP is built off 2K core techs, right?) confused
*) This appears, from what info I've seen, to be limited mostly to high speed Internet users. (Dialup reports seem to be more along the line of 'someone picked up the @#$@#$ phone again!') grin
*) This problem isn't limited to mIRC (judged by search of websites), but is pretty much a widespread issue with the most recent OS, and as such, we'll probably stuck dealing with this until Mi(c)ro$loth gets their act together. mad

My question: I'm looking for a more definitive solution... that is, if you did something to try to fix this and it was fixed... did it STAY fixed? It's pretty easy to uninstall software or change a setting, but it's kinda moot to do this if it's not going to have any effect. Guess I'm looking for a solution with longevity and not a false positive smile

Finally, in honor of this lovely error:

'Hundred Fifty Three

(Named in honor of Winsock Error 10053: Software caused connection abort)

I find I don't like hundred fifty three
It drives my brain right out of me
When typing, idle, or away from home
It stops mIRC with its deadly tome

It drops me when I read my mail
It drops me when I type like heyll
It drops me when I DCC
It drops me = AFK to pee

I do not like it on my box
I do not like this da## WinSock
I only want to stay online
I'll kill if slighted one more time

I don't like one hundred fifty three
It's pissing the @#$@# crap out of me!

- Apologies to Dr. Seuss smile

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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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getsome: "wouldn't the firewall immediately have dropped my connection instead of requiring a reboot to start blocking?"
i really dont know if a existing connection would be effected by some tweaking or not, i just dont know enuf about the various ways/tricks admins could implement such things

yes this does seem to be a prob with 2k and xp and highspeed connections (altho there was something about 2k..hrm.. )
This thread pretty much covers everything ppl have tried, unfortunately there just does not seem to be a one solution works for every user. Some have found they have to disable xp firewall/changed firewalls, some have changed out NIC cards, some routers hate server port 6667, some router drivers/firmware wont cooperate, etc. Whether those who found a solution later found it stopped working, i cant say...other than they havent come back shrieking so any of their results are worth a try. Some of the suggestions work for some of the ppl, some or all dont work for others.

ponder... ok, the 2k thingie i referred to and the 10053 error, it was something about a change in the default MTU registry value in 2k/xp being higher than some routers like. since it involves making a change in the registry i refuse to trust my less than wondermous memory banks further. of course, there isnt any way i could guarantee what changes in the registry would do to your system and would advise it as last resort after trying everything else suggested here that you havent already tried (and no, it doesnt work for everyone either) i'll see what notes i kept once you pm me to convince me its safe to turn you loose in the registry :tongue:

general disclaimer: never never never mess about in your registry unless you truly know what you are doing or have an overwhelming urge to totally muck up your system beyond use.

oh yeah, and have enuf sense to know to make a backup first

and any of you geeks who know what i'm referring to, please dont post it openly where an unknowing and innocent casual user could see it and bork their system

ParaBrat @#mIRCAide DALnet
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Fjord artisan
Fjord artisan
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Hmmm. I don't see any inputus from Linux/Unix/BSD users on this issue. I have been running mIRC 6.03 fine for a couple of days in WINE and have yet to experience this problem.

Have any other WINE users? Speak up now. It'll help determine whether this IS a (yet another) Windows fault smile

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Nutrimatic drinks dispenser
Nutrimatic drinks dispenser
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HOW DARE you jump down anyone's throat on this message board like that because we are "PEOPLE ARE SUPPOSED TO KNOW"? Just who the hell died and elected YOU God? Every one of us here, up to and including Khaled, are volunteers. We all take time out of our lives to try our level best to help other people solve their problems because we might, JUST MIGHT, have run into that problem before and maybe even seen how to correct the problem, if such a solution already exists. And we MIGHT even remember how it was done.

I've never read so much profanity in my life. How dare you use so much obscene langauge in front of your elders young man! You need an old fashioned 1920s style whooping! I would also would like to take this time to thank Khaled for making this marvelous mIRC program. He's a great man for this indeed. I'm now addicted to IRC and no longer have a real life outside of the Internet. I get offended when people criticize my helping skills on mIRC related message boards.

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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Why are you:

1. Responding to a post not intended for you? (Like it's just on 6 months old)
2. Demanding respect based on your age?

You'll get respected if you offer some respect and it shouldn't be based on age. I'm probably older than most people here but you don't see me up on the soap box with a gavel demanding that people show me extra respect just because I might be covered in grey hair and wrinkles. I just went and checked Hammers 6 month old post and he was quite right.

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Nutrimatic drinks dispenser
Nutrimatic drinks dispenser
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I don't have to answer any of your questions! I think it's just dandy young man. Have a nice day.

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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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I don't have to answer any of your questions!

Of course you don't. The great and all-knowing loser knows all....well with the exception of the date clearly marked on someones reply just below the post's subject line.

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