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Pikka bird
Pikka bird
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In some scripting web actually there is an add-on called Exploit Fix created for the DCC exploits in 6.1x versions, but -i don't applied in the 6.0x versions. It's a nice add-on, but definitely not useful for the users which choose to stick to 6.03. And using 6.1x with the DCC exploit fix, I think many will rather uses 6.12. I understood that 6.1 purpose is to replace 6.03 and 6.11 to replace 6.1 is replaced with 6.12. Yet the problem is, many voices still prefered 6.03 version. And of course the hard work of Khaled and team members in the 6.1x should be appreciated and not to be neglected, But an IRC client writer should not just work according to his/her own will, but also to spare a thought and try to satisfy the needs of some users. This need for a DCC exploit fix for 6.0x is not an unreasonable request, I'm sure many will greatly appreciate even more. Being a minor script writer myself, I feel that what is most satisfying to a work producer, is not his/her own satisfation of his/her own work, but the aknowlegdement and appreciation of the users when he/her reached the expectations/needs of the users. Khaled, I'm sure when you 1st created mIRC is not just for yourself, but also for the use of people, so of course you have to think for them. Maybe you are already working on it, but just that we do not know. Hopefully there will be a fix for 6.0x as I logged into your web everyday to keep a lookout. Hmm, don't disappoint your users or one day some other IRC clients might suppass you. Keep up the good work and keep improving cause there are alway rooms for improvement, that's how you get better. Currently mIRC is still my favourite IRC client.
Lord didn't come to call for the righteous, but sinners to repent.
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Khaled pls create a DCC exploit Fix for 6.0x usersAs per a recent remark from Krejt, he did. It's called 6.12 which can be gotted from here.
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Pikka bird
Pikka bird
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I knew that he made the fix which is the 6.12 for the 6.0x and 6.1x users, but my post is for those who still prefered to stick to 6.03 instead of changing to 6.12 if you read carefully. Without the fix, is as good as forcing those who refuse to use 6.12 to use/choose to get crashed over & over again like what is happening for the past few days in the whole net that I frequent. We have an option which is to use 6.12, some might think that it serve us right, but if you don't prefer 6.03 still, you will never understand how we felt. Having another option to make a fix for all 6.0x users who do not want to use 6.12 wouldn't kills right Khaled? Instead you will gain more appreciation from more users. Isn't that the way?
Lord didn't come to call for the righteous, but sinners to repent.
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Some people also prefer 5.91 to 6.03 because is has three stars int he event prefixes instead of one. Should Khaled patch 5.91 too? Then there is 5.61 where some people didn't like the brighter icons of 5.7 (I think), should Khaled patch 5.61 because of this?
Should Micro$oft patch Windows V3.1 because the 386 fraternity think that 8 bit computing with that OS is a speed daemon? Of course not. People are encouraged to use XP which has 50,000 times the power of 3.1 even though people need to use a 32 bit machine to run it.
Software is updated for a reason and where humanly possible, people should use the very latest,, purposefully to avoid the exploits that people often do discover. Why should Khaled break his back for 0.00000001% of people that don't happen to like changes.
For the record the toolbar styles don't bother me. If that contributes to more powerful visual functions in later versions then it's a good thing. I would suggest that Khaled consider a "Lock toolbars" option, aka Internet Exploder and Micro$oft Orifice, which hides the grippers. I don't agree with the 6.1(X) dismembering of the toolbar arrangement, though this in itself is merely personal opinion and certainly nothing which stops me making my computers and network as secure as possible. For me, security comes infront of asthetics any day of the week which is why I am a 6.12'er.
Full marks to Khaled for releasing 6.12 so quickly.
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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There are two solutions for 6.03 users. The first one is as simple as this: - On *:logon:*:.ignore -wd *
On *:notice:dcc & *:?:.ignore -xu10 $nick
Since any valid DCC request must be preceded by a private notice, only people who send it will be added to the ignore exceptions. In this way, those exploiters who join busy channels and send a channel-wide CTCP to everyone will be totally ignored. This code however doesn't guarantee you will be 100% protected, because if a smart exploiter fakes a private notice followed by the crashing CTCP, your mIRC will end up dead. But I think that would rarely happen, if at all, and you can still be happy with this code. Another solution covers the rare possibility as well, by comparing the file that is specified in the private notice against the file that is included in the CTCP message and rejecting it in case of mismatch. This script is a little bit longer than the other solution so I won't bother the readers, but you can get it here. Although this one should completely protect you against malicious exploiters, it has two disadvantages of its own - it only reacts on DCC sends, leaving chats and fserves ignored, and and it doesn't let you request resume for partially-downloaded files due to the way it works. So far both solutions seem to work as expected, but it would be nice like to get some feedback from you. Good luck
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Yea using a personal "proxy" to filter out the exploiting DCC should work for any version, good idea
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Fjord artisan
Fjord artisan
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Whatever your opinion on the matter, this topic has died it's death. Instead, why don't you use the other abominably rude threads? whine here or why not here too? 6.12 is the fix. There are no negative *major* changes, except the movement of a few features/popups. *waits for the huge long list of obscurities* Regards,
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Why should they post it on the other threads? They're unhappy with mIRC and they want to be sure their dissatisfaction is known.
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Because it's just got tedious now, and there's no point to it? If they want their opinion known, then they can private message Khaled/Krejt, or email them, they don't have to keep letting everyone else know, especially people who can't do anything about it in the first place - even better, post on the existing threads..think of it as a petition  - These boards are not one giant petition board, or a place to repetitively whine, it's for people to get help, make suggestions, report bugs and discuss "general" things (not over and over again). If he wants to make one, he will. He probably would have decided whether he is going to or not - I hope he does, purely because it'll be nice to know that people who are adamant to remain with 6.03 are safe, but if he doesn't, it's his choice and no amount of arguing is going to change it (after all, every point has been mentioned at least three times now). Regards,
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Pikka bird
Pikka bird
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These boards are not one giant petition board, or a place to repetitively whine, it's for people to get help, make suggestions... I was under the impression, that asking if/for a patch, WAS a suggestion... Why do you use mirc over bitchx, xchat or some other client? or linux over windows? because you like the features etc of the product you chose. If you don't like something, you don't use it, to get told by other users you are stupid for wanting a fix is stupid in itself. Watchdog: You used the example of windows. However, there is a major flaw in this arguement. Microsoft still create patches for older versions. Take the blaster virus 'exploit'. Windows 9x/2000/XP users could all patch against it. Why? because some people dont want to use the new xp, they prefer the older versions. Were microsoft to stop support for 9x and 2000, they know they would lose a lot of money and users as well as leaving a large chunk of the internet exploitable. People have, and will always stick with what they like, and if you are a developer, you should listen to your 'market'. What about those users who have paid their registration fee and have been happy since its release upto 6.0x, when 6.1 came out, lots of people didnt like it, but chose to stick with the old version, now its highly exploitable. These people have paid to get told they can use their old versions, which they are happy with, and get crashed every 5 secs, upgrade to a version they don't want to use, or lose their money and go to a completely different client. A windows patch would be easy to use as codemaster said in an earlier thread, it would be an .exe - and those who have used mirc for so long and have 6.0x who dont want to upgrade, can't be complete novices that they can't work a patch.
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Microsoft still create patches for older versions. Yes, but Micro$haft CHARGES for NEW versions, too!
I refuse to engage in a battle of wits with an unarmed person.
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Ugh, just so people know, the reason I am no longer replying to hardly anything related to this topic anymore is not because I have changed my mind and can't say anything back, but in fact because I am just exhausted with it now...
I will say one thing though:
I hope Khaled releases this sought after 6.03 patch, really I do, but if he doesn't, give 6.1x a chance. I didn't like a few of the features/changes that were made in 6.1, but after 2.5 months after it's release, I have now gotten used to them and I've nearly forgotten what 6.03 was like at all. I doubt any of you 6.03 users have given 6.1x more than 48 (maybe 72) hours of your time, let alone 2.5 months.
Honestly, I now actually like 6.1. I like(d) 6.03 too, and because it was released for so long, I got used to it, which is why I didn't like some of the features - but I now like the 6.1 layout (after giving it a chance and getting used to it).
Some of you just refuse to cooperate though, and I'm not prepared to waste anymore of my energy on this. And you wonder why Khaled doesn't post...*sigh*
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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You say "cooperate" I say "settle." Why exactly should we "cooperate"? There are plenty of clients out there, if we don't like the new mIRC why exactly should we "cooperate" and use it anyway?
I'll tell you, I stopped using mIRC about a day ago, and ever since I'm amazed at how many great features are in my new client that I've wanted in mIRC for ages that Khaled refused to add! I can now write scripts in just about any language I want, things such as "reordering" the switchbar buttons (which I alone suggested at least 5 times) is already available, customizable toolbars, menus, everything I ever wanted in mIRC is available else where. And the best part, when there is something that the client is missing, the author actually responds about the suggestion! It's nice when you suggest a feature and you get told "great idea, I'll add it in the next version" or even "well that's a nice idea, but I won't do it because of A, B, C" or "that can cause problems. You didn't think of A in your suggestion." It's great knowing my opinion is valued. Again, this is the kind of thing I've been saying Khaled should do for a long time now. So again I ask, why should I "settle" for mIRC when in my opinion, there are better things available?
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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You pay for new versions of windows yes, but they suply with patches/fixes for older windows too..  and they are free 
if ($me != tired) { return } | else { echo -a Get a pot of coffee now $+($me,.) }
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Fjord artisan
Fjord artisan
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can you recommend any good irc client other than mIRC that can ALSO be scripted as you say? (pls)
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Babel fish
Babel fish
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Your attempt at debunking Watchdog's example is also flawed. Windows 98, 2000, XP are all completely seperate products. mIRC v6.03 and mIRC v6.12 are not seperate products. I think that is a pretty important distinction to understand. Also, I won't get into comparing the resources between the two software companies here  That said, I don't think he should go to the trouble to update 6.03. Software development works by moving forward, not by bending over backward to please a small minority. If you have problems with 6.12, suggest alternatives to that version and help it to improve. These people have paid to get told they can use their old versions, which they are happy with, and get crashed every 5 secs, upgrade to a version they don't want to use, or lose their money and go to a completely different client.
Nobody has been 'told' anything. As you said yourself, you have been given a choice between 6.03 or 6.12. What you're asking for is beyond anything that Khaled has ever offered in the past. Of course, this is all just MHO. -chris
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Pikka bird
Pikka bird
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Yeah ok, in a way they ARE seperate products, but XP is NT 5.1 so in effect its an upgrade of NT, yet both get patch fixes for new exploits. Also while you do have to pay for windows, you should pay for mirc too (although alot choose not to).
I have no problem with 6.0x except the new exploit, otherwise i would have upgraded to v6.12, as a whole i don't like it, ranging from its new layout to the exe checksum, which obviously wont be changed, afterall why would he go to all the trouble of changing the layout and stoping us from removing version replys etc if hes gonna change it all back in the next release? With respect to him bending over backwards for a small minority, its not actually small, theres tonnes of people not wanting to upgrade hence all the posts here and people still using 5.91 and 6.0x even since 6.1
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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You only pay for mIRC once, whereas if you have NT and go to a shop to ask if you can have XP for free they'll laugh you right out of the store. Hence different products.
So far the only real negative things people can actually come up with in 6.1x are a few minor GUI changes. Sorry but I find that to be a completely ridiculous reason for people to not upgrade. The integral check and the About/Registration dialog appearing are both moot points seeing as they only affect people who are breaking the licence agreement.
Spelling mistakes, grammatical errors, and stupid comments are intentional.