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Pikka bird
Pikka bird
Joined: Dec 2002
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i know this was posded befor but i have a black background and i want to be able to auto change the text thats black to a different color so i can see it. just cant make it work
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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This sample code will use your color for Normal text (text someone else just types) to replace black text.
on ^*:TEXT:*1*:*:{
var %i = 1, %1- = $replace($1-,$+(01,$+(,$base([color:red]$color(normal)[/color],10,10,2)))
while (%i <= $pos(%1-,1,0)) {
var %pos = $pos(%1-,1,%i)
if ($mid(%1-,$calc(%pos + 2),1) !isnum) {
%1- = $+($mid(%1-,1,%pos),$base([color:red]$color(normal)[/color],10,10,2),$mid(%1-,$calc(%pos + 2)))
else inc %i
if (%1- != $1-) {
if (#* iswm $target) {
if ($gettok($readini($+(",$mircini,"),options,n2),30,44)) $&
var %nick = $nick($chan,$nick).pnick
else var %nick = $nick
echo $color(normal) -bflmrti2 $chan $+(<,,$nick($chan,$nick).color,%nick,,>) %1-
else {
echo $color(normal) -bflmrti2 $nick $+(<,,$cnick($nick).color,$nick,,>) %1-
} If you wish to replace $color(normal) with another of your colors, make sure you either use another index name, like $color(ctcp) for instance, or replace the entire text in red with a number value you wish to use instead, like 00. The rest of the script should remain unchanged and should follow the rest of your normal mIRC's settings. Note: This would have probably been MUCH simpler using $regex (if you happen to know RegExp).
DALnet: #HelpDesk and #m[color:#FF0000]IR[color:#EEEE00]C
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
Joined: Jan 2003
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This method isn't 100% working, for the following reasons: 1) It doesn't take into account mirc's cyclic behaviour with colours. Black is 1, but also 17, 33, 49 etc. So if the black text is created by these numbers, the script won't detect it. Even worse, if the number is 17, the script will replace 1 with $color(normal) giving weird results (fex, if $color(normal) is 5 and the text is 17blah, the script converts it to 057blah). 2) It doesn't take into account the existence of background colouring. It seems logical that the script should not strip black text if this is followed by a background colour, because the sender must have picked a visible combination (and if he didn't, it's his fault :tongue:). The only exception is the background colour 99, which is transparent. 3) The <matchtext> in the on TEXT event catches only 1. Even if you ignore the colour cycling, 01 remains undetected. Having these in mind, I made an alias that strips black text with the help of -what else?- regular expressions. alias stripblack {
var %r = /(?:1(?=[^\d])|01|17|33|49|65|81|97)(?:(?!,\d)|(?=,99))/g
!.echo -q $regsub($1,%r, $+ $color(normal).dd,%r)
return %r
on ^*:TEXT:**:*:{
var %1- = $stripblack($1-)
if (%1- != $1-) {
if (#* iswm $target) {
if ($gettok($readini($+(",$mircini,"),options,n2),30,44)) $&
var %nick = $nick($chan,$nick).pnick
else var %nick = $nick
echo $color(normal) -bflmrti2 $chan $+(<,,$nick($chan,$nick).color,%nick,,>) %1-
else {
echo $color(normal) -bflmrti2 $nick $+(<,,$cnick($nick).color,$nick,,>) %1-
} On a sidenote, $base($color(normal),10,10,2) can be replaced with $color(normal). dd, although the usage of $base here is good for learning purposes (when $color isn't used).
Last edited by qwerty; 08/01/03 01:17 PM.
/.timerQ 1 0 echo /.timerQ 1 0 $timer(Q).com
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
Joined: Dec 2002
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Heh .. I completely forgot about $color( ).dd.
DALnet: #HelpDesk and #m[color:#FF0000]IR[color:#EEEE00]C