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Ameglian cow
Ameglian cow
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I wanna know what would be the best way to make a user list.. Would it be ini, txt, other ?
I am scripting a small bot so to speak to allow people auto ops auto voice, the ability to get invited into a chan amungst other options.. cause well I dont want to pay for a shell, and I have a machine on a highspeed line that has a good uptime that rarely ever goes down.. So I am using that as my shell/bot
Dejavue is only proof that dreams really do come true.
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Ini files would be the best way, I wrote a similar script earlier.
on 1:TEXT:login*:?: {
if ($2) && ($3) {
if ($readini(Users.ini, Users, $2)) && ($3 == $gettok($readini(Users.ini, Users, $2),-1,45)) {
guser Users $2 8
else { .notice I could not log you in. }
au2 {
if (!$1) && (!$2) { echo No user or password specified. }
if ($1) && (!$2) { echo You have a username, but no password. }
if (!$1) && ($2) { echo You have a password, but no username. }
if ($1) && ($2) {
echo Success added!
echo Username: $1
echo Password: $2
writeini Users.ini Users $1 $2
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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if (!$1) && ($2) { echo You have a password, but no username. } If $1 is not present, $2 can't be.
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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that looks ugly too...
au2 {
if (!$2) { echo No username or password specified. }
else if (!$1) { echo You have no password. }
else {
echo Success added!
echo Username: $1
echo Password: $2
writeini Users.ini Users $1 $2
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Well, firstly I didn't write it so I don't know why you posted that to me. I believe also that you have the first two backwards, no?
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Yes, i clicked the last reply, and was just making a general responce. Sorry.
Second, order doesnt matter... If the second isnt preset, or the first--still gett he same message. My pattern of thinking is go check from the last paremeter to the first. If your missing the last one, then alreayd right there you can halt processing. If you have the first, but then dont have the second, it took that much more power in parsing to check the first, then the second--rather than halting after one condition. I know, I know, one if statement--how much memory could that use. but hey, when you have seveal of em, it kinda make a difference. >:D
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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I wasn't only talking about the order in which you have the lines.
if (!$2) { echo No username or password specified. } <- One of the two may be specified. elseif (!$1) { echo You have no password. } <- neither have been specified.
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Hah, I see now... Was my cut and paste job.. >:D Yes, the echo's would be switched. My Bad
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Well, yes, but... /au2 username /au2 password For both of these, "if !$2" triggers - username OR password field is missing. /au2 Here, "if !$2" triggers again, however both username AND password field is missing. elseif !$1 { } ^ Although true, it is not triggered. i.e. Already been trapped above, because no $1 also means no $2.
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Also, this must be a picky recommendation, but I would consider that any of the parameters could be 0 or even "$false" (hey, it's not impossible to have that as a password), so I wouldn't use the ! prefix for conditions there.
* cold edits his posts 24/7