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Nutrimatic drinks dispenser
Nutrimatic drinks dispenser
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Well i just made a community successful and alot of people are spamming... and i just want to know howto make a script so that when someone says like to much like 4 lines in 5 secs it kicks em...
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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on *:TEXT:*:#:{ inc -u5 %flood. [ $+ [ $nick ] ] if (%flood . [ $+ [ $nick ] ] <= 4) { return } else { ban -k $chan $nick } }
new username: tidy_trax
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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To pheonix:Curious - why do you use if (%flood . [ $+ [ $nick ] ] <= 4) { return } else { ban -k $chan $nick } and not if (%flood . [ $+ [ $nick ] ] == 5) { ban -k $chan $nick } ? As it is ony obsolete if-statement less, it should be a tad faster. And especially in these kinds of scripts, you really can't afford to waste a few microseconds on a pointless if statement. Also - I would recommend adding a masktype to your /ban command, or it will ban nick!*identd@host.domain, which is so easy to get around... To DirekiiAlso -- I suggest setting a temporary ignore - if the user keeps flooding and does it decently he might flood you off before the command gets executed.
on @*:TEXT:*:#:{
inc -u5 %flood. [ $+ [ $nick ] ]
if (%flood . [ $+ [ $nick ] ] == 5) {
ignore -u5 *!*@*
ban -k $chan $nick 3 Stop flooding dude
DALnet #Helpdesk I hear and I forget. I see and I remember. I do and I understand. -Confucius
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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ive had problems before where(due to lag) mirc has completely missed the var becoming a 5.
new username: tidy_trax
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Vogon poet
Vogon poet
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your code was, is , and will always be crappy as you do not have the experience many others on here do, if you can't paste good code, don't paste anything!
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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as you do not have the experience many others on here do
1: how do you know this? 2: i gave a reason why i posted that.
new username: tidy_trax
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Babel fish
Babel fish
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Fight Fight !! lol leave pheonix alone he only trying to help :tongue:
IRC (Idiots Relay Chat) :tongue:
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Hoopy frood
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; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Protections
#protect.flood off
on @1:TEXT:*:#: {
; ----------------------------------- Flood (Repeated Messages)
; This is a simple protection that looks for a user repeating the
; same message, and if it finds that person, first will warn, then
; will set a mute ban, next kick, then ban
; ----------------------------------- Flood (Repeated Messages)
if (%text. [ $+ [ $nick ] ] != $1-) /set -u300 %text. [ $+ [ $nick ] ] $1-
else {
; Increase number of duplicate messages
/inc -u5 %flood. [ $+ [ $nick ] ]
;check how many times we've had to see that message
if (%flood. [ %+ [ %nick ] ] == 3) {
/unset %flood. [ $+ [ $nick ] ]
; increase number of times we've had to deal with this person
/inc -u1800 %warn. [ $+ [ $nick ] ]
; take action
/takeaction $chan $nick Flood Flooding (5 lines, 3 seconds)
#protect.flood end
#protect.spam off
on @1:TEXT:*:#: {
; ----------------------------------- Spam (Repeated Gibberish)
; This is also a simple protection, as it will find a person typing
; several lines, but with any line of text. This has the same actions
; as the flood protection, but is 7 lines in 5 seconds.
; ----------------------------------- Spam (Repeated Gibberish)
/inc -u5 %spam. [ $+ [ $nick ] ]
; they passed limit
if (%spam. [ $+ [ $nick ] ] == 7) {
/unset %spam. [ $+ [ $nick ] ]
; increase times dealt with
/inc -u1800 %warn. [ $+ [ $nick ] ]
; take action
/takeaction $chan $nick Spam Spamming (7 lines, 5 seconds)
#protect.spam end
; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Aliases
; take action - use when %warn.(name) has been declaired
; syntax: /takeaction <channel> <nickname> <action> <reason(if kicked)>
; Example: /takeaction #king-tomato ChanSys Flood Flooding (7 lines, 5 seconds)
alias -l takeaction {
; set some easy-to-use variables
/set -u0 %chan $1
/set -u0 %nick $2
/set -u0 %word $3
/set -u0 %reason $4-
; Now, to take action
if (%warn. [ $+ [ %nick ] ] == 1) {
; warning
/msg %chan Please do not %word the channel $nick $+ . Further to do so will result in kicks and/or bans.
else if (%warn. [ $+ [ %nick ] ] <= 3) {
; mute ban
/mode %chan -ov+b %nick %nick $address(%nick, 1)
else if (%warn. [ $+ [ %nick ] ] <= 6) {
; kick
/mode $chan -ov $nick $nick
/kick $chan %nick %reason
else if (%warn. [ $+ [ %nick ] ] != $null) {
/mode %chan -ov+b %nick %nick $address(%nick, 11)
/kick %chan %nick Banned! %reason
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Hoopy frood
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A: Seeing a lot of bad code from you. 2: i gave a reason why i posted that. A: which was about as meaningful as trying to explain relativity to a horse. Lag has nothing to do with a script not working at 5 but working at 4. If you're lagged, your anti-flood script won't work at all. True, a decent flood with seriously thwart your client's effectiveness, but the difference between 4 and 5 is hardly enough to fix that. The problem was not the 4 in your script. The problem was the pointless if statement that is wasting valuable time when trying to deal with a flood.
DALnet #Helpdesk I hear and I forget. I see and I remember. I do and I understand. -Confucius
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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mine checks if its more than or equal to 5, so if mine misses a 5, it will work when it becomes a 6, but yours checks if its only 5, if your script misses the 5, it does nothing. speed isnt everything.. Seeing a lot of bad code from you. i paste good code if i test it first, normally i dont test it..
new username: tidy_trax
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Vogon poet
Vogon poet
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i see your crappy code all over the messageboards all day, some of it doesn't even work, that's how i know?
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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because i didnt test it... i barely ever test code on here. you must be 1 of the people who NEVER make mistakes in their code and NEVER have to correct it :tongue:
new username: tidy_trax
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Vogon poet
Vogon poet
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Hey the day people get paid for helping out here is the day your comments might be taken seriously, please to rag on others, because you have "skills" and others dont.
In Virginia, chickens cannot lay eggs before 8:00 a.m., and must be done before 4:00 p.m.
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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The script NEVER misses the 5. Not unless you increment the variable with 2 instead of 1. i paste good code if i test it first, normally i dont test it.. Then you should make a habit out of not posting stuff you haven't tested. Obviously that doesn't work well for you. i barely ever test code on here Then -- without attempting a personal insult -- stop wasting people's time. People who ask for help don't care about code that doesn't work, nor does it help them.
DALnet #Helpdesk I hear and I forget. I see and I remember. I do and I understand. -Confucius
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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The script NEVER misses the 5. Not unless you increment the variable with 2 instead of 1. like i said, my script increased the variable to a 5, i had a flood protection script to work when it became a 5 and it missed it, there were no errors in the script because the exact same code worked a couple of hours later. (i think it was lag)
new username: tidy_trax
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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if (%flood . [ $+ [ $nick ] ] == 5) { Well, your code is wrong too, although it seems like a typo. :tongue: Also, I wouldn't ignore *!*@*, sure it prevents 100% the displaying of messages, but: 1) It doesn't prevent me of receiving them anyway (check the debug info). /silence does, but I don't know if it's supported on most networks, so I won't use it here; 2) Innocent people might message me during that interval, so I'd rather just ignore the related address, for more than 5s. If I get attacked by floodclones, well, /ignore wouldn't completely block them from my connection anyway, also they could attack me after 6+s too and I'd still see their messages, so.. About the code itself since it was first shown, I think the variable name should contain the channel too, not only the nick - also, not the nick at all, but rather its address. BTW, [ ] brackets aren't needed everywhere/everytime.
on @*:TEXT:*:#:{
inc -u5 $+(%,flood;,$address,;,$chan)
if ( [ [ $+(%,flood;,$address,;,$chan) ] ] > 4) {
ban -k $chan $nick 3 Stop flooding dude
ignore -u60 $nick 3
Edit: some tweaks, I'm really obsessed with tweaks.. tweaks tweaks tweaks
Last edited by cold; 27/09/03 05:31 AM.
* cold edits his posts 24/7
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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%flood . [ $+ [ $nick ] ] is a perfectly good way to set a variable, so I'm not sure what you mean with that comment.
/silence is not a mIRC command, but is provided by the network you are on, so it does'work on some (like DALnet) and not others (like Efnet)
Third, if you are worried about users sending you a valid message in those 5 measely seconds you are ignoring everything, then you should get your priorities straightened out. If a channel flood occurs, the only thing that matters is stopping it. And if you're that worried about missing a query, just ignore the channel alone then.
DALnet #Helpdesk I hear and I forget. I see and I remember. I do and I understand. -Confucius
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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%flood . [ $+ [ $nick ] ] is a perfectly good way to set a variable, so I'm not sure what you mean with that comment. And I thought it was a typo.. but no, it's wrong. %flood. [ $+ [ $nick ] ] is a perfectly good way to set and get a variable, %flood . [ $+ [ $nick ] ] is not. The second one (yours) increases the variable %flood and ignores the rest (" . $+ $nick"). Did you actually test your code before posting? Let's test it, changing $nick by $me, so I can put it in an alias. Things in green are correct, things in brown (your way) are not. alias wrong {
; *** Try this in a totally clean mIRC. ***
; *** Type /wrong ***
clear -s
window -a "status window"
echo 3 -s -> Command: $(set -s %flood. $+ $me correct,)
[color:green]set -s %flood. $+ $me correct[/color]
echo 3 -s -> should echo "* Set $+(%,flood.,$me) to correct"
echo -s ------------------------------------------------------
echo 5 -s -> Command: $(unset -s %flood . [[ $+ [[ $me ]] ],)
[color:brown]unset -s %flood . [ $+ [ $me ] ][/color]
echo 5 -s -> should echo "* Unset $+(%,flood.,$me) $+ ", $&
but nothing appears, since it's actually trying to unset $&
$(%flood,) which doesn't exist
echo -s ------------------------------------------------------
echo 5 -s -> Command: $(inc -s %flood . [[ $+ [[ $me ]] ],)
[color:brown]inc -s %flood . [ $+ [ $me ] ][/color]
echo 5 -s -> should echo "* Inc $+(%,flood.,$me) to 1", but $&
echoes "* Inc $(%flood,) to 1"
echo -s ------------------------------------------------------
echo 5 -s -> Command: $(set -s %flood . [[ $+ [[ $me ]] ]] wrong,)
[color:brown]set -s %flood . [ $+ [ $me ] ] wrong[/color]
echo 5 -s -> should echo "* Set $+(%,flood.,$me) to wrong", $&
but echoes "* Set $(%flood,) to .cold wrong"
echo -s ------------------------------------------------------
echo 3 -s $!iif(%flood. [[ $!+ [[ $!me ]] ]] == correct,correct,wrong) $&
returns $+(", $iif([color:green]%flood. [ $+ [ $me ] ][/color] == correct,correct,wrong) ,")
echo 5 -s $!iif(%flood . [[ $!+ [[ $!me ]] ]] == correct,correct,wrong) $&
returns $+(", $iif([color:brown]%flood . [ $+ [ $me ] ][/color] == correct,correct,wrong) ,")
echo -s ------------------------------------------------------
echo 3 -s -> $($($+(%,flood.,$me),2),) returns $+(", [color:green]$($+(%,flood.,$me),2)[/color] ,")
echo 3 -s -> $(%flood. [[ $+ [[ $me ]] ],) returns $+(", [color:green]%flood. [ $+ [ $me ] ][/color] ,")
echo 5 -s -> $(%flood . [[ $+ [[ $me ]] ],) returns $+(", [color:brown]%flood . [ $+ [ $me ] ][/color] ,")
echo 5 -s -> $(%flood,) returns $+(", %flood ,")
echo -s ------------------------------------------------------
unset %flood*
} My results: [color:brown][color:green]-> Command: set -s %flood. $+ $me correct
* Set %flood.cold to correct
-> should echo "* Set %flood.cold to correct"[/color]
-> Command: unset -s %flood . [ $+ [ $me ] ]
-> should echo "* Unset %flood.cold", but nothing appears, since it's
actually trying to unset %flood which doesn't exist
-> Command: inc -s %flood . [ $+ [ $me ] ]
* Inc %flood to 1
-> should echo "* Inc %flood.cold to 1", but echoes "* Inc %flood to 1"
-> Command: set -s %flood . [ $+ [ $me ] ] wrong
* Set %flood to .cold wrong
-> should echo "* Set %flood.cold to wrong", but echoes "* Set
%flood to .cold wrong"
[color:green]-> $iif(%flood. [ $+ [ $me ] ] == correct,correct,wrong) returns "correct"[/color]
-> $iif(%flood . [ $+ [ $me ] ] == correct,correct,wrong) returns "wrong"
[color:green]-> $($+(%,flood.,$me),2) returns "correct"
-> %flood. [ $+ [ $me ] ] returns "correct"[/color]
-> %flood . [ $+ [ $me ] ] returns ".cold wrong .cold"
-> %flood returns ".cold wrong"
[color:black]------------------------------------------------------[/color][/color] (Sorry it's big, but it clears my point) /silence is not a mIRC command, but is provided by the network you are on, so it does'work on some (like DALnet) and not others (like Efnet) /me agrees. And that's why I said I wouldn't use it (" /silence does, but I don't know if it's supported on most networks, so I won't use it here"). I just mentioned it. Third, if you are worried about users sending you a valid message in those 5 measely seconds you are ignoring everything, then you should get your priorities straightened out. If a channel flood occurs, the only thing that matters is stopping it. And if you're that worried about missing a query, just ignore the channel alone then. Yeah, I agree. Ignoring *!*@* with the -c switch should be fine. But I'd also ignore the flooder's address, for more than 5 secs. So, the code would be changed to:
on @*:TEXT:*:#:{
inc -u5 $+(%,flood;,$address,;,$chan)
if ( [ [ $+(%,flood;,$address,;,$chan) ] ] > 4) {
ignore -cu5 *
ban -k $chan $nick 3 Stop flooding dude
ignore -u60 $nick 3
* cold edits his posts 24/7
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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damn, missed that space...
DALnet #Helpdesk I hear and I forget. I see and I remember. I do and I understand. -Confucius
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Ah, so it was a typo (or something like this, I don't know how to describe it in English). I knew I would regret posting a big and detailed example script for it.. :tongue:
* cold edits his posts 24/7