dialog [censored] {
title "[censored]"
size -1 -1 152 200
icon $mircexe, 17
option dbu notheme
button "Click here to advertise" 1, 1 0 150 10
button "Pinkrose" 2, 1 10 150 10
button "Flipped Lid" 3, 1 20 150 10
button "Answer" 4, 1 30 150 10
button "Smooch" 5, 1 40 150 10
button "X&O" 6, 1 50 150 10
button "Theft" 7, 1 60 150 10
button "HeavyKiss" 8, 1 70 150 10
button "WetKiss" 9, 1 80 150 10
button "I Love You!" 10, 1 90 150 10
button "Tickle Me Elmo" 11, 1 100 150 10
button "DumbassDetect" 12, 1 110 150 10
button "Pinksborder" 13, 1 120 150 10
box "" 14 , 1 130 150 30
text "Hi i hope you enjoy some of my fun stuff pack , made by me osiris , you may add my email at [email]d4rk_spider0@hotmail.com"[/email] 15, 3 140 150 15 , disable
button "Close" 16, 1 162 150 30 , ok flat
text "Copyright 2003 ..-->osiris" 17, 1 192 150 10, disable
menu channel {
[-[censored]-]://dialog -m [censored] [censored]
on *:Dialog:[censored]:sclick:1:{ /amsg I am currently using Osiris`s Fun Sh|t For the FaZoR-X- Script, u may add him @
d4rk_spider0@hotmail.com }
on *:Dialog:[censored]:sclick:2:{ /amsg 9,1 .»º13®9º« *~13®9~* »º13®9º«.1 $$?"Nickname" 9 .»º13®9º« *~13®9~* »º13®9º«. | /amsg 9,1 .»º13®9º« *~13®9~* »º13®9º«.13 $$?"Nickname" 9 .»º13®9º« *~13®9~* »º13®9º«. | /amsg 9,1 .»º13®9º« *~13®9~* »º13®9º«.1 $$?"Nickname" 9 .»º13®9º« *~13®9~* »º13®9º«. }
on *:Dialog:[censored]:sclick:3:{ /amsg 4¶========= 1,8:)2,9 flipped my lid ! Over4 $$?"Nickname" ! }
on *:Dialog:[censored]:sclick:4:{ /amsg 12,8The answer to 3Life,2 The Universe,12 and 5Everything12 is...4 42 }
on *:Dialog:[censored]:sclick:5:{ /amsg 10{{XOX}}**«o»** 12§MÒÒÇH¡!4 $$?"Nickname" 12!¡§MÒÒÇH10 **«o»**{{XOX}} }
on *:Dialog:[censored]:sclick:6:{ /amsg sends 4KISSES & HUGS 6to12 $$?"Nickname" 6- a 13Special Friend 12({*XOX*})13({*XOX*})0,0..6({*XOX*})4({*XOX*})10({*XOX*})13({*XOX*})6({*XOX*})7({*XOX*})4({*XOX*})3({*XOX*}) }
on *:Dialog:[censored]:sclick:7:{ /amsg 0,10cites $$?"Nickname" for wav txt theft,2,0 citing article 8467-C of Internet International Law, AND Article -6- of 12,0The Ten Commandments: " Thou shalt not STEAL." 4,0Please sign here: X______________ press hard....four copies }
on *:Dialog:[censored]:sclick:8:{ /amsg gives12 $$?"Nickname"" 1a4 SLoW..2LoNG..13DeeP..10PeNeTRaTiNG..7ToNSiL-TiCKLiN'..4HaiR-fRiZZin'..3Toe-CuRLiN'..7NeRVe-JaNGLiN'..4LiFe-aLTeRiN'..5FaNTaSY-CrEaTiN'..12I JuST SaW sTaRs..13HeY, Am I sTiLL dReSsEd?..2CoMe To PaPa..6KiSS oN Da LiPS!!! }
on *:Dialog:[censored]:sclick:9:{ /amsg 4 gives 12 $$?"Nickname" 4a13 *Mega12Super11Dooper10Extra9Sqeeeezy8Squishy3Nuzzle4Snuggle5Huggle6Knock7You8Down7Plow6You5over13Smoochy12Sloppy11Wet10Kiss* }
on *:Dialog:[censored]:sclick:10:{
/amsg 7,1º©æ>橺ºº©æ<橺º©æ>橺ºº©æ<橺º©æ>橺
/amsg 7,1º©3 »0@3«0@3»0@3« 3»0@3«0@3»0@3« 3»0@3«0@3»0@3« 3»0@3«0@3»0@3«1.7©º
/amsg 7,1º©1 S4_3\Î/4_1U 7º©æ>橺ºº©æ<橺 1S4_3\Î/4_1U.7©º
/amsg 7,1º©4 (¯`°´¯)1.7º©4I Love You!7©º1.4(¯`°´¯)1.7©º
/amsg 7,1º©1 Z4`·.·`1Y 7º©æ>橺ºº©æ<橺 1Z4`·.·`1Y.7©º
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/amsg 7,1º©æ>橺ºº©æ<橺º©æ>橺ºº©æ<橺º©æ>橺
on *:Dialog:[censored]:sclick:11:{
/amsg 1,1-----4(0.4)(0.4)1-13hehehehehehehe1-----
/amsg 1,1----4/1--4()1--4\1--13/1----------------
/amsg 1,1----4\1-4'--'1-4/1-4_1----8You1----------
/amsg 1,1-4{*'-`""""`-'*}1----8Tickle1------
/amsg 1,1--4`"/1------4\"`1------8Me1---------
/amsg 1,1----4\1------4/1-------------------
/amsg 1,1---4`"`1----4`"`1------------------
on *:Dialog:[censored]:sclick:12:{
/amsg 12 points his mouse at the screen....
/amsg 12 gives it a 4click 12and takes a reading....
/amsg 12 and based on what was just 4said12.......
/amsg 0,1 DumbA$$ Detector 1,1....
/amsg 1,9 |||||||||||||||||||1,4|||
/amsg 0,1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
/amsg 4 YEP - We 12DO 4have one in the crowd!!!!
on *:Dialog:[censored]:sclick:13:{
/amsg 13,13---------- $$? ----------0,0-
/amsg 13,13--15,15-------- $! --------13,13--15,15--
/amsg 13,13--15,15-0,0------- $! -------15,15-13,13--15,15--
/amsg 13,13--15,15-0,0------13,13-13,0 $! 13,13-0,0------15,15-13,13--15,15--
/amsg 13,13--15,15-0,0------13,13-13,0 $! 13,13-15,15-0,0-----15,15-13,13--15,15--
/amsg 13,13--15,15-0,0--------15,15 $! -0,0-----15,15-13,13--15,15--
try that , i updated my old 1 , i hope this 1 suits you all , lol