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#50126 18/09/03 07:52 PM
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osiris1 Offline OP
Pikka bird
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Pikka bird
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dialog FunStuff {
title "Fun Stuff MISC"
size -1 -1 150 100
icon $mircexe, 17
option dbu notheme
button "Thanks For Using my fun stuff MISC , Osiris , peace" 1 , 1 1 146 20
button "Wb" 3, 1 21 37.5 25
button "Not Away" 4, 1 48 37.5 25
button "Wiggle" 5, 1 75 37.5 23
button "Soap Opera" 6, 110 21 37.5 25
button "Ducks" 7, 110 48 37.5 25
button "Frogs" 8, 110 75 37.5 23
button "Spanking" 9, 37.5 21 37.5 25
button "Whip Em" 10, 74 21 37.5 25
button "life t o" 11, 74 48 37.5 25
button "Warning" 12, 74 75 37.5 23
button "Bazooka" 13, 37.5 48 37.5 25
button "Bad Boys" 14, 37.5 75 37.5 23

menu channel {
[-Fun-Stuff-]://dialog -m FunStuff FunStuff
on *:Dialog:FunStuff:sclick:1:{ if (%25fun == off) halt | amsg I am using OSIRIS`S Fun Stuff Misc , Add his email at d4rk_spider0@hotmail.com | set -u5 %25fun off }
on *:Dialog:FunStuff:sclick:3:{ if (%25fun == off) halt | amsg 14,1||Wel15,1com0,1e B15,1a14,1ck!||0,1 $$? 14,1||Wel15,1com0,1e B15,1a14,1ck!|| | set -u5 %25fun off }
on *:Dialog:FunStuff:sclick:4:{ if (%25fun == off) halt | amsg is 4NOT AWAY 6[Reason: 1I don't use tacky away scripts6][since: 2I got online 00:07:007 28/144/07 6][logged: I don't bother][pager:on my hip ] /ctcp <your name here> page <put your pager on vibrate and go page yourself.> | set -u5 %25fun off }
on *:Dialog:FunStuff:sclick:5:{ if (%25fun == off) halt | amsg 3watches 4 $$?="Enter Nickname" 3wiggle their a$$ 4~(_5/4_)~(_5II4_)~(_5/4_)~(_5II4_)~(_5/4_)~(_5II4_)~ 12 WOOOOOO WOOOOOO!! BETTER WIPE!! | set -u5 %25fun off }
on *:Dialog:FunStuff:sclick:6:{ if (%25fun == off) halt | amsg Welcome to 4 AS THE BOT TURNS 6 live from 10 $chan 6 ... on todays episode will $$?="Enter Nickname" find out $$?="Enter Nickname 2" is the son of $$?="Enter Nickname 3" and will $$?="Enter Nickname 5" find out about $$?="Enter Nickname 6" 's affair with $$?="Enter no4 name" 's half sister? ? Stay Tuned.. | set -u5 %25fun off }
on *:Dialog:FunStuff:sclick:7:{ if (%25fun == off) halt | amsg 8,1 _(¯0·4> 8 _(¯0·4> 8 _(¯0·4> 0duck-duck-duck.... | /amsg 8,1<____) <____) <____)1,1......0GOOSE!1,1..... | /amsg 0,12~¤° ¤·~o°~ ¤°~°o¤ 9 YER IT $$?="Enter Nickname " ! | set -u5 %25fun off }
on *:Dialog:FunStuff:sclick:8:{ if (%25fun == off) halt | amsg 3_<^(12‘13.3‘)^>_ 10rïbbït3 _<^(12’13.12’3)^>_10 $$?="Enter Nickname3 _<^(12‘13.12‘3)^>_10 rïbbït3 _<^(12’13.12’3)^>_10 $$?="Enter Nickname" 3_<^(12‘13.12‘3)^>_10 rïbbït3 _<^(12’13.12’3)^>_ | set -u5 %25fun off }
on *:Dialog:FunStuff:sclick:9:{ if (%25fun == off) halt | amsg 4,1<spank>0,4 $$?="Enter Nickname" 4,1<spank>0,4 $$?="Enter Nickname" 4,1<spank> | set -u5 %25fun off }
on *:Dialog:FunStuff:sclick:10:{ if (%25fun == off) halt | amsg 4,1<whip>0,4 $$?="Enter Nickname" 4,1<whip>0,4 $$?="Enter Nickname" 4,1<whip> | set -u5 %25fun off }
on *:Dialog:FunStuff:sclick:11:{ if (%25fun == off) halt | amsg 4 DCC Get of a life for $$?="Enter Nickname" timed out... | set -u5 %25fun off }
on *:Dialog:FunStuff:sclick:12:{ if (%25fun == off) halt | amsg 1,8 WARNING 0,4 $$?="Enter Nickname" HAS ENTERED $chan !!! 1,8 WARNING | set -u5 %25fun off }
on *:Dialog:FunStuff:sclick:13:{ if (%25fun == off) halt | amsg 10Blows 4B12a4Z12O4o12K4a 10bubble gum bubbles at->4 $$?="Enter Nickname" 2<-4o12O4°12*4013@12o4O12°4*12013@4o12O4°12*4013@4o12O4°12*4013@12o4O12°4*12013@4o12O4°12*4013@4o12O4°12*4013@12o4O12°4*12013@4o12O4°12*4013@4o12O4°12*4013@12o4O12°4*12013@4o12O4°12*4013@ | set -u5 %25fun off }
on *:Dialog:FunStuff:sclick:14:{ if (%25fun == off) halt | amsg 1,8 WARNING 0,4 YER BUSTED $$?="Enter Nickname" 1,8 WARNING | set -u5 %25fun off }

its just my first dialog i ever made , but i think i made a good job

#50127 18/09/03 07:57 PM
Joined: May 2003
Posts: 2,265
Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
Joined: May 2003
Posts: 2,265
i think them buttons are too big shocked

new username: tidy_trax
#50128 18/09/03 08:01 PM
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osiris1 Offline OP
Pikka bird
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Pikka bird
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LOL , but i wated to fox 12 buttons in , but i cant be bothered fixing it

#50129 18/09/03 08:04 PM
Joined: May 2003
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
Joined: May 2003
Posts: 2,265
if you use dstudio its easier to resize the dialog and make the buttons smaller laugh

new username: tidy_trax
#50130 18/09/03 08:10 PM
Joined: Sep 2003
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osiris1 Offline OP
Pikka bird
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Pikka bird
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dialog [censored] {
title "[censored]"
size -1 -1 152 200
icon $mircexe, 17
option dbu notheme
button "Click here to advertise" 1, 1 0 150 10
button "Pinkrose" 2, 1 10 150 10
button "Flipped Lid" 3, 1 20 150 10
button "Answer" 4, 1 30 150 10
button "Smooch" 5, 1 40 150 10
button "X&O" 6, 1 50 150 10
button "Theft" 7, 1 60 150 10
button "HeavyKiss" 8, 1 70 150 10
button "WetKiss" 9, 1 80 150 10
button "I Love You!" 10, 1 90 150 10
button "Tickle Me Elmo" 11, 1 100 150 10
button "DumbassDetect" 12, 1 110 150 10
button "Pinksborder" 13, 1 120 150 10
box "" 14 , 1 130 150 30
text "Hi i hope you enjoy some of my fun stuff pack , made by me osiris , you may add my email at [email]d4rk_spider0@hotmail.com"[/email] 15, 3 140 150 15 , disable
button "Close" 16, 1 162 150 30 , ok flat
text "Copyright 2003 ..-->osiris" 17, 1 192 150 10, disable
menu channel {
[-[censored]-]://dialog -m [censored] [censored]
on *:Dialog:[censored]:sclick:1:{ /amsg I am currently using Osiris`s Fun Sh|t For the FaZoR-X- Script, u may add him @ d4rk_spider0@hotmail.com }
on *:Dialog:[censored]:sclick:2:{ /amsg 9,1 .»º13®9º« *~13®9~* »º13®9º«.1 $$?"Nickname" 9 .»º13®9º« *~13®9~* »º13®9º«.  | /amsg 9,1 .»º13®9º« *~13®9~* »º13®9º«.13 $$?"Nickname" 9 .»º13®9º« *~13®9~* »º13®9º«.  | /amsg 9,1 .»º13®9º« *~13®9~* »º13®9º«.1 $$?"Nickname" 9 .»º13®9º« *~13®9~* »º13®9º«.  }
on *:Dialog:[censored]:sclick:3:{ /amsg 4¶========= 1,8:)2,9 flipped my lid ! Over4 $$?"Nickname" ! }
on *:Dialog:[censored]:sclick:4:{ /amsg 12,8The answer to 3Life,2 The Universe,12 and 5Everything12 is...4 42  }
on *:Dialog:[censored]:sclick:5:{ /amsg 10{{XOX}}**«o»** 12§MÒÒÇH¡!4 $$?"Nickname" 12!¡§MÒÒÇH10 **«o»**{{XOX}} }
on *:Dialog:[censored]:sclick:6:{ /amsg sends 4KISSES & HUGS 6to12 $$?"Nickname" 6- a 13Special Friend 12({*XOX*})13({*XOX*})0,0..6({*XOX*})4({*XOX*})10({*XOX*})13({*XOX*})6({*XOX*})7({*XOX*})4({*XOX*})3({*XOX*}) }
on *:Dialog:[censored]:sclick:7:{ /amsg 0,10cites $$?"Nickname" for wav txt theft,2,0 citing article 8467-C of Internet International Law, AND Article -6- of 12,0The Ten Commandments: " Thou shalt not STEAL." 4,0Please sign here: X______________ press hard....four copies }
on *:Dialog:[censored]:sclick:8:{ /amsg gives12 $$?"Nickname"" 1a4 SLoW..2LoNG..13DeeP..10PeNeTRaTiNG..7ToNSiL-TiCKLiN'..4HaiR-fRiZZin'..3Toe-CuRLiN'..7NeRVe-JaNGLiN'..4LiFe-aLTeRiN'..5FaNTaSY-CrEaTiN'..12I JuST SaW sTaRs..13HeY, Am I sTiLL dReSsEd?..2CoMe To PaPa..6KiSS oN Da LiPS!!! }
on *:Dialog:[censored]:sclick:9:{ /amsg 4 gives 12 $$?"Nickname" 4a13 *Mega12Super11Dooper10Extra9Sqeeeezy8Squishy3Nuzzle4Snuggle5Huggle6Knock7You8Down7Plow6You5over13Smoochy12Sloppy11Wet10Kiss* }
on *:Dialog:[censored]:sclick:10:{
/amsg 7,1º©æ>橺ºº©æ<橺º©æ>橺ºº©æ<橺º©æ>橺
/amsg 7,1º©3 »0@3«0@3»0@3« 3»0@3«0@3»0@3« 3»0@3«0@3»0@3« 3»0@3«0@3»0@3«1.7©º
/amsg 7,1º©1 S4_3\Î/4_1U 7º©æ>橺ºº©æ<橺 1S4_3\Î/4_1U.7©º
/amsg 7,1º©4 (¯`°´¯)1.7º©4I Love You!7©º1.4(¯`°´¯)1.7©º
/amsg 7,1º©1 Z4`·.·`1Y 7º©æ>橺ºº©æ<橺 1Z4`·.·`1Y.7©º
/amsg 7,1º©3 »0@3«0@3»0@3« 3»0@3«0@3»0@3« 3»0@3«0@3»0@3« 3»0@3«0@3»0@3«1.7©º
/amsg 7,1º©æ>橺ºº©æ<橺º©æ>橺ºº©æ<橺º©æ>橺
on *:Dialog:[censored]:sclick:11:{
/amsg 1,1-----4(0.4)(0.4)1-13hehehehehehehe1-----
/amsg 1,1----4/1--4()1--4\1--13/1----------------
/amsg 1,1----4\1-4'--'1-4/1-4_1----8You1----------
/amsg 1,1-4{*'-`""""`-'*}1----8Tickle1------
/amsg 1,1--4`"/1------4\"`1------8Me1---------
/amsg 1,1----4\1------4/1-------------------
/amsg 1,1---4`"`1----4`"`1------------------
on *:Dialog:[censored]:sclick:12:{
/amsg 12 points his mouse at the screen....
/amsg 12 gives it a 4click 12and takes a reading.... 
/amsg 12 and based on what was just 4said12....... 
/amsg 0,1 DumbA$$ Detector 1,1....
/amsg 1,9 |||||||||||||||||||1,4||| 
/amsg 0,1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 
/amsg 4 YEP - We 12DO 4have one in the crowd!!!! 
on *:Dialog:[censored]:sclick:13:{
/amsg 13,13---------- $$? ----------0,0-
/amsg 13,13--15,15-------- $! --------13,13--15,15--
/amsg 13,13--15,15-0,0------- $! -------15,15-13,13--15,15--
/amsg 13,13--15,15-0,0------13,13-13,0 $! 13,13-0,0------15,15-13,13--15,15--
/amsg 13,13--15,15-0,0------13,13-13,0 $! 13,13-15,15-0,0-----15,15-13,13--15,15--
/amsg 13,13--15,15-0,0--------15,15 $! -0,0-----15,15-13,13--15,15--

try that , i updated my old 1 , i hope this 1 suits you all , lol

#50131 18/09/03 08:11 PM
Joined: May 2003
Posts: 2,265
Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
Joined: May 2003
Posts: 2,265
the buttons are still too big :tongue:

new username: tidy_trax
#50132 18/09/03 08:15 PM
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osiris1 Offline OP
Pikka bird
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Pikka bird
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U r joking , dont u mean too long

#50133 18/09/03 08:17 PM
Joined: May 2003
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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big/long same difference grin

new username: tidy_trax
#50134 18/09/03 08:18 PM
Joined: Jan 2003
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Vogon poet
Vogon poet
Joined: Jan 2003
Posts: 150
looks very *censored* grin

Go ahead, jump. 100,000 lemmings can't be wrong.
#50135 18/09/03 08:22 PM
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osiris1 Offline OP
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censored , what u mean by that

#50136 18/09/03 08:23 PM
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Fjord artisan
Fjord artisan
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#50137 18/09/03 08:26 PM
Joined: May 2003
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
Joined: May 2003
Posts: 2,265
look at your dialog^

dialog [censored] {
title "[censored]"

new username: tidy_trax
#50138 18/09/03 08:27 PM
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osiris1 Offline OP
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d4rk_spider0@hotmail.com , add me to msn mess , lol wink

#50139 18/09/03 08:30 PM
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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new username: tidy_trax
#50140 18/09/03 08:31 PM
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osiris1 Offline OP
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Pikka bird
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omfg , it is censored , i had sh|t as the title , lol

#50141 18/09/03 08:32 PM
Joined: May 2003
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
Joined: May 2003
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damn those profanity filters >.<

new username: tidy_trax
#50142 18/09/03 08:32 PM
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osiris1 Offline OP
Pikka bird
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no1 wants to add me , im unpopular frown:(:(:(

#50143 18/09/03 08:33 PM
Joined: May 2003
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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thats because your spamming your email crazy

new username: tidy_trax
#50144 18/09/03 08:38 PM
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osiris1 Offline OP
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Pikka bird
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frown still i want to have ppl on my list :'(

#50145 18/09/03 08:40 PM
Joined: May 2003
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
Joined: May 2003
Posts: 2,265
lost the desperate approach and people might add you.
if all else fails, go around saying: dont add me @ <my email> mad
then people will add ya thinking theyre annoying ya shocked

new username: tidy_trax
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