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Ameglian cow
Ameglian cow
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there are a few irc networks that has theese usermodes, i feel, that i am missing something like if ($nick isop $chan) for the other usermodes, i will explain what each usermode is. PREFIX=(qaohvu)!*@%+- ! = owner of channel = +q * = protected in channel = +a -= under op = +u will be nice to have this in a future version
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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You can use if $nick($chan,$nick,!) { do stuff } if $nick($chan,$nick,@) { do stuff } etc...
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Fjord artisan
Fjord artisan
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The problem with that, and the very reason they are probably not added yet, is that those modes mean different things on all different servers/networks.
for example on the network i run...
! = channel admin = +a a +p for protected is automatic on channel admins and founder - = under op = +u does not excist, this is +h (%) half op on the majority of networks.
You may also want to look at the on RAWMODE event
Last edited by Om3n; 13/09/03 11:06 PM.
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Ameglian cow
Ameglian cow
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you did not read the prefix  we have !*@%+- as usermodes ! = +q = founder of channel & op * = +a = protected on channel & op @ = op, and we all know that  % = +h = halfop, well most of us know that  + = +v = Voice, hmmm everyone knows that  - = +u = underop it is tested and works perfect, but it would also be nice, that mIRC reconized this as a mode, and not a nickname
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Fjord artisan
Fjord artisan
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I read your post just fine, you just did not explain what you wanted properly. Your first post mentioned nothing about nicknames at all! What it DID mention was the usermodes and the 'isop' stuff, this made it seem like what you were requesting was.... 'isfounder' 'isprotected' 'isunderop' ect additions... Not that the nick mode prefixes be recognised.
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Ameglian cow
Ameglian cow
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okay, now we understand  will just be nice to have this in future versions, i am on about 3 networks that has the same software, and it gets annoying, when f.ex someone with the nick !bot and i want to msg him if it says "identify to me" then i have an automated script, but that will msg !bot and not bot, unless i use the $remove and $gettok - this will make this much easy´er in the future
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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I sort of sit on the fence about this one personally.
You could just use the code that Iori posted, but I don't see any harm in having those identifiers. However, it is in the minority of networks that usermodes such as +u (in the underop context) exist. As +q does exist on some of the bigger networks (I think) it might be worth adding one for that, but the others I don't see much substantial reason to add it.
I think out of all the other requests, this should be near the bottom of Khaled's list :P
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Ameglian cow
Ameglian cow
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well will be nice to have them all, i am on Larger networks that has it and its a nice funktion, but then again, think about the & for channels, not many networks has that, so it could be a nice funktion for the other networks that has those extra usermodes
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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I'm still not sure what you're talking about, but mIRC will recognize mode prefixes correctly if they're specified correctly in the PREFIX token of raw 005 (eg. PREFIX=(qohuv).@%-+)
And for the record, & channels are supported on most IRC networks.
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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+u = USERop, not UnderOp and it's only available on ConferenceRoom that I know of.
The biggie here though is that none of these are user modes, they are channel modes.
Iori's method works the best, I use the same effort myself.
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Vogon poet
Vogon poet
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What does the = (+V) prefix/mode mean?
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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If you mean lower case +v then it is a 'voice' which means that you can speak in a +m (moderated) room but not have any real hosting authority to kick peeps, etc. The mode is rarely used for its intended purpose though. If infact you do mean uppercase +V then I am not sure of that, never seen it. Just a reminder that all modes are case-sensitive.
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Vogon poet
Vogon poet
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I meant +V. I noticed this on some networks, like TotalIRC, in the network info...
TotalIRCd-1.2(01)Mamut oOiwscrkKnfydaAbgheFxXjzNTCW biklLmMnNoprRstvcS NOQUIT WATCH=128 SAFELIST MODES=12 MAXCHANNELS=20 MAXBANS=200 NICKLEN=30 TOPICLEN=400 KICKLEN=400 CHANTYPES=# PREFIX=(qaoh[color:blue]Vvu)!*@%=+-[/color] NETWORK=TotalIRC SILENCE=50 CASEMAPPING=ascii CHANMODES=b,kL,l,cimMnNOpQrRsStU are supported by this server
Last edited by DV8; 11/09/04 04:57 AM.
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Well I don't know what it does, but judging from the fact that they have an unbelievable seven nickmodes I would imagine it's nothing more than a vanity mode, so that people with +V can feel marginally superior to people with +v and +u.
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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That's a list of user modes, not channel modes (+ohv(@%+), etc. are channel modes, not user modes). Also the TotalIRC network uses TotalIRCd, not UnrealIRCd. From a poke around the TotalIRC forums it seems a +V user is referred to as a "VIP", but beyond that I've no idea what it is.
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Ameglian cow
Ameglian cow
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DV8: I meant +V. I noticed this on some networks, like TotalIRC, in the network info...
TotalIRCd-1.2(01)Mamut oOiwscrkKnfydaAbgheFxXjzNTCW biklLmMnNoprRstvcS NOQUIT WATCH=128 SAFELIST MODES=12 MAXCHANNELS=20 MAXBANS=200 NICKLEN=30 TOPICLEN=400 KICKLEN=400 CHANTYPES=# PREFIX=(qaohVvu)!*@%=+- NETWORK=TotalIRC SILENCE=50 CASEMAPPING=ascii CHANMODES=b,kL,l,cimMnNOpQrRsStU are supported by this server _________________________
Hello there, this is a feature from the IRCd named liquidircd, also located in TotalIRCd. Its for SA's Services administrators. /mode #Channel +V nick -> this will give the = Prefix to the user in channel, this prefix does not broadcast, this will mean, that new users that join the channel, will not see this prefix on ur nick... but users that was allready located in the channel while you give ur self the prefix, will see the current prefix.
This prefix is Voice with more access, e.g ur an services admin, without the "override flag" (+a) you would be able to give voice to clients in channel, w/o having ops
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Vogon poet
Vogon poet
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Interesting. Thanks for the info.
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Ameglian cow
Ameglian cow
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your welcome, if you have any Questions about the IRCd, please join #TotalIRCd @ irc.totalirc.net
i beleive that it was you that joined last time, but it was 7am in the morning in a weekend (was asleep) i am in the timezone GMT+1.