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#48080 08/09/03 07:54 PM
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pheonix Offline OP
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Hoopy frood
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i dont really get this, if i were to socklisten on port 6667, would this mean that if someone opens a socket to my ip, it would allow me to accept the connection in the on socklisten event?

new username: tidy_trax
#48081 08/09/03 07:56 PM
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Fjord artisan
Fjord artisan
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it would listen for connections on port 6667 yes

#48082 08/09/03 08:00 PM
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pheonix Offline OP
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Hoopy frood
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is there a way to see whats trying to connect?
also, is there a way that someone can /sockwrite to my ip, and i can see what they /sockwrite'ed?

new username: tidy_trax
#48083 08/09/03 08:29 PM
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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If you detect someone trying to connect to a certain port you are listening on via /socklisten, you can accept the connection with /sockaccept, after which the $sock identifier becomes available to give you information.

DALnet #Helpdesk
I hear and I forget. I see and I remember. I do and I understand. -Confucius
#48084 08/09/03 08:29 PM
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pheonix Offline OP
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Hoopy frood
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do you know about my 2nd question?
also, if someone opens a socket to my ip using port 6667, will that use 6667 on my comp as well?
im trying to make a server :tongue:

new username: tidy_trax
#48085 09/09/03 04:24 AM
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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I have never tried anything like that yet, but I imagine it would have to use the on sockread event the trigger when data is received through the socket, in which you /sockread the data and do whatever you want with it.
Also, someone else using a mIRC socket can just /sockwrite to the socket...

Last edited by LocutusofBorg; 09/09/03 05:37 AM.

DALnet #Helpdesk
I hear and I forget. I see and I remember. I do and I understand. -Confucius
#48086 09/09/03 12:44 PM
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Vogon poet
Vogon poet
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if you do /sockaccept it'll use a random free port as specified in mirc dcc options.
and you can check for who's connecting by checking for $sock($sockname).ip in the socklisten event.

#48087 09/09/03 04:13 PM
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pheonix Offline OP
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Hoopy frood
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thats the problem, i managed to get 16 people to connect, they all tried using /sockwrite and i didnt receive any message, i tried using on sockwrite and on sockread.

new username: tidy_trax
#48088 09/09/03 04:47 PM
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Vogon poet
Vogon poet
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;open listening socket
alias startlisten socklisten listensocket 6667
;close listening socket
alias stoplisten sockclose listensocket
;close all accepted connections
alias closeall sockclose acceptsock*

;wait for incoming connections
on *:socklisten:listensocket:{
  if ($sockerr) { echo listenerror! | return }
  ;generate unique name
  var %name = acceptsocket $+ $ticks
  ;accept connection
  sockaccept %name
  ;use $sock to retreive info
  echo accepted connection from $sock(%name).ip

;wait for incoming data (note the wildcard, it will respond to any socket opened in the ON SOCKLISTEN)
on *sockread:acceptsock*:{
  if ($sockerr) { echo readerror! | return }
  echo Received data from $sock(%name).ip :
  ;read data
  sockread %line
  ;check if any data was read
  while ($sockbr) {
    ;echo data, and check for empty line
    echo $iif(%line,$ifmatch,[empty line])
    ;read next line
    sockread %line

Now if you type /startlisten, people should be able to connect to you on port 6667 and any data they send will be echoed.

Note that is just the idea, and far from perfect (if they send you a number as data you'll get an error from echo for example smile )

$input(Me like stars, You too?)
#48089 09/09/03 05:25 PM
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pheonix Offline OP
Hoopy frood
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Hoopy frood
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alias serv.open {
  socklisten connect 6667
alias serv.close {
  sockclose connect
  sockclose client.*
alias serv.connect {
  sockopen test $ip 6667
alias serv.test {
  sockwrite -tn client.* TEST bkshdg
  sockwrite -tn test test test
on *:socklisten:connect:{
  sockaccept client.1
  echo -a client. [ $+ [ $sock(client.1).ip ] ]
  sockrename client.1 client. [ $+ [ $sock(client.1).ip ] ]
on *:sockread:client.*:{
  if ($sockerr) { return }
  sockread %client
  tokenize 32 %client
  echo -s $sockname - $1-

for the above, i have to /sockwrite to "test", but the sockread event still occurs, but if i /sockwrite to client.* it doesnt work :tongue:

new username: tidy_trax
#48090 09/09/03 09:02 PM
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Vogon poet
Vogon poet
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if you /sockwrite to client.* that means client.* will send data. This will then be received by connect, but since there is no ON SOCKREAD:connect: mIRC discards the data.

Some small things btw:
-you don't need the -t switch for sockwrite if the text you send doesn't start with an ampersand (doesn't do any harm though)
-If you make the name of the accepting socket (client.*) dependant on only the ip of the connection, there could be problems: if someone connects to you twice the ip will be the same, so there will be an error because that socket already exists. To prevent this you could include the remote port in the sockname as well, or use another way of picking a unique name (like using $ticks).

$input(Me like stars, You too?)
#48091 09/09/03 09:08 PM
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pheonix Offline OP
Hoopy frood
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Hoopy frood
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alias serv.start {
  socklisten connect 6667
alias serv.close {
  sockclose client.*
  sockclose connect
alias serv.connect {
  sockopen client.me $ip 6667
alias serv.test {
  sockwrite -tn client.* TEST
on *:socklisten:connect:{
  sockaccept client.1
  echo -a client. [ $+ [ $sock(client.1).ip ] ]
  sockrename client.1 client. [ $+ [ $sock(client.1).ip ] ]
on *:sockread:client.*:{
  if ($sockerr) { return }
  sockread %client
  tokenize 32 %client
  echo -a $sockname - $1-
menu status {
  Open Server: serv.start
  Close Server: serv.close
  Connect: serv.connect
  Test: serv.test

this works how i want it :tongue:

new username: tidy_trax

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