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#45738 31/08/03 05:39 PM
Joined: Aug 2003
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KoRn18 Offline OP
Vogon poet
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Vogon poet
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how can i on join, get a list of people with *@*.staff.freenode in a list box dialog?

(i know i posted before but i made it sound so difficultl!)

may death strike you.
#45739 31/08/03 06:49 PM
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Pikka bird
Pikka bird
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you need following things on remote ....

dialog list {
title "list"
size -1 -1 200 200
button "OK",1, 170 75 20 20, OK
list 2, 1 1 150 200, hsbar
on me:*:join:#: if (!$dialog(list)) { dialog -m list list | who # } | else { who # }
raw 352:*: if ($dialog(list)) { did -a list 2 $6 *!* $+ @ $+ $4 }

#45740 31/08/03 07:10 PM
Joined: Aug 2003
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KoRn18 Offline OP
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that listed everyone... im trying to list only people with this:*!*@*.staff.freenode
Dont work:
dialog list { 
  title "list" 
  size -1 -1 200 200 
  button "OK",1, 170 75 20 20, OK 
  list 2, 1 1 150 200, hsbar 
on me:*:join:#freenode: {
  if (!$dialog(list)) { dialog -m list list | who # }
  else { dialog -x list list | dialog -m list list | who # }
raw 352:*: {
  if ($dialog(list)) { 
    if ($4 == *.staff.freenode) { did -a list 2 $6 }

Last edited by KoRn18; 31/08/03 07:16 PM.

may death strike you.
#45741 31/08/03 07:28 PM
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Fjord artisan
Fjord artisan
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do this:
if (*.staff.freenode isin $4) { did -a list 2 $6 }

Liek OMG Yuo Stoleded my MageHurtzzzz!!!11
#45742 31/08/03 07:28 PM
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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alias whostaff {
set %s.search on
did -r list 2
who *!*@*.staff.freenode
raw 352:*:{
if (%s.search == on) {
did -a list 2 $2 - $6
raw 315:*:{
if (%s.search == on) {
if (!$did(list,2).lines) { did -a list 2 No Staff Found }
did -z list 2
.set %s.search off
on *:JOIN:#:{
if ($nick == $me) { whostaff }

that will who the staff when you join, then the raw events will only do that^,when you use /whostaff.

new username: tidy_trax
#45743 31/08/03 08:24 PM
Joined: Aug 2003
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KoRn18 Offline OP
Vogon poet
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i have this now, how can i cycle through and notice them all?

dialog list { 
  title "list" 
  size -1 -1 200 200 
  button "OK",1, 170 75 20 20, OK 
  list 2, 1 1 150 200, hsbar 
alias whostaff { did -r list 2 | who *.staff.freenode } 
raw 352:*:{ 
  if ($2 == #freenode) { did -a list 2 $6 }
raw 315:*:{ 
  if (!$did(list,2).lines) { did -a list 2 No Staff Found } 
on *:JOIN:#freenode:{ 
  if (!$dialog(list)) { dialog -m list list }
  else { dialog -x list list | dialog -m list list }
  if ($nick == $me) { whostaff } 

may death strike you.
#45744 31/08/03 08:27 PM
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Pikka bird
Pikka bird
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if (*.staff.freenode iswm $4) { did -a list 2 $6 *!* $+ @ $+ $4 }

and you can add this ...

on *:join:#: {
if (*.staff.freenode iswm $site) {
if ($dialog(list)) {
did -a list 2 $nick $wildsite
else {
dialog -m list list
did -a list 2 $nick $wildsite

#45745 31/08/03 08:28 PM
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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dialog list {   
title "list"   
size -1 -1 200 200   
button "OK",1, 170 75 20 20, OK   
list 2, 1 1 150 200, hsbar 
alias whostaff { 
did -r list 2 | who *.staff.freenode 
raw 352:*:{   
if ($2 == #freenode) { did -a list 2 $6 }
raw 315:*:{   
if (!$did(list,2).lines) { 
did -a list 2 No Staff Found 
else {
var %x $did(list,2).lines
while (%x) {
notice $did(list,2,%x).text <your message>
dec %x
on *:JOIN:#freenode:{  
 if (!$dialog(list)) { dialog -m list list }  
else { dialog -x list list | dialog -m list list }  
if ($nick == $me) { whostaff } 

new username: tidy_trax
#45746 31/08/03 08:43 PM
Joined: Aug 2003
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KoRn18 Offline OP
Vogon poet
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Vogon poet
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for whom it may concern...it works..ty

dialog list {
  title "#FreeNode Staff List/Voice Asker"
  size -1 -1 104 248
  option pixels
  list 2, 1 1 102 200, sort size hsbar
  button "Ask +V", 1, 27 201 47 20
  text "", 3, -1 229 102 16, center
alias liststaff {
  if (!$dialog(list)) { dialog -m list list }
  else { dialog -x list list | dialog -m list list }
  did -r list 2 | who *.staff.freenode
  .timerlist 1 1 did -ra list 3 $!did(list,2).lines Staffers
on *:dialog:list:sclick:1:msgstaff
alias msgstaff {
  var %x $did(list,2).lines
  while (%x) {
    notice $did(list,2,%x).text Hi.. Can i get a Voice in #FreeNode please?
    dec %x
raw 352:*:{ 
  if ($2 == #freenode) { did -a list 2 $6 }
raw 315:*:{ 
  if (!$did(list,2).lines) { did -a list 2 No Staff Found } 
on *:JOIN:#freenode:{ 
  if ($nick == $me) { liststaff } 

may death strike you.
#45747 01/09/03 02:57 AM
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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FYI, you could also do this:

on me:*:join:#freenode:/liststaff

It is by far not NEEDED, but it is usable; in this case using a comparison isnt needed

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