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Bowl of petunias
Bowl of petunias
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I for one will be staying with mIRC 6.3 I was considering registering when I heard about the 30 day activation thing... then I actually loaded the thing!  What's with the stupid "sun" icon to toggle between nickname/realname settings and server settings.. As if it wasn't hard enough to explain before you've gone and made it 10 times more awkward. sorry for raining on your parade and stuff, this is just my personal opinion ofcourse.. I dont like it :tongue:
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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new username: tidy_trax
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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After 1 year? fairly disappointing. I'm with codemastr for sticking with 6.03. Nevertheless, I don't want to put it down, I'm sure a lot of hard work and time has gone into this version, and there are a lot of good features, but there are just a few little things which 'niggle' me a little bit. It just seems that a lot of changes have been made to make it look a little different, when it's been completely unneccesary. Yeah I agree, the thing that I guess sorta put me off was the release notes, "With this new release we hope to address most, if not all, of the comments, requests and remarks we received after the release of version 6.03" to me that seems grossly inaccurate. Even minor things weren't added. I would venture to say less than 10% of the features suggested after 6.03 are actually in 6.1. Were some difficult/stupid and therefore not added? Of course, but some should have been easy and useful. A very simple example is, ever since the "***" was changed to "*" people have asked for a way to configure the prefix, yet it is still not configurable. I doubt that would have been hard to add. There were tons of little minor features that could have been added and weren't.
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Bowl of petunias
Bowl of petunias
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and what's with changing
Ping? Pong!
.. That's just wrong..
(p.s yes I know this was changed in 6.03 or before)
Last edited by noog; 30/08/03 01:11 AM.
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Vogon poet
Vogon poet
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_________ may death strike you.
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Vogon poet
Vogon poet
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You can change the ping pong text pretty easily with a script on ^*:PING:echo $color(info2) -est PING? PONG! | halt
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Babel fish
Babel fish
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I wouldn't know, it locks up as soon as I run it (I see the "new" interface and all, but i cant do a damn thing).
I installed it over 6.03 and it did it, so I installed it on a diff drive with no scripts, and I get the same thing.
Back to 6.03 I go, a version I can at least use.
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Vogon poet
Vogon poet
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Yes I'm very disappointed in this version too. The dialog rendering engine is slightly different. And the toolbar... I thought they could be moved. But the grips are there for no purpose.
And the about dialog can't be closd. Can it be closed for registered users? And now you have to wait 2 seconds before you can continue after you exceed 30 days. Oh well, at least Khaled hasn't stopped us from not registering I guess. I wish my parents allowed me to send 20USD over.
Remote editor, no shortcuts on the toolbar. Boohoo.
I like some other changes, but I dislike the new options dialog. It's so troublesome...
Just hope like mirc 6.0, a bugfix version comes soon... sorry khaled, but i ddon't think i will recommend this version to people...
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Fjord artisan
Fjord artisan
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What I liked most... 21. Added /play [-a] [alias] [channel/nick/stop] <filename> [delay] 43. Extended $disk(path|N) 45. Added identifier warning option to editor dialog options menu, halts script if identifier doesn't exist. 61. Added $msfile(dir,title,oktext) identifier, same as $sfile() but allows selection of multiple files. 68. Added custom file-handling commands and identifiers, which allow you to open multiple files for reading and writing. 72. Added $rawmsg, returns raw server line for server events. 143. Binary variables no longer have an upper limit on the number of bytes that can be stored. 144. Added $compress(file|&bvar, blN) and $decompress(file|&bvar, blN) 165. Fixed /did not showing/hiding tabs and their contents properly. 166. Added $comcall(name, alias,...) and $dllcall(filename, alias,...)
Things I disliked the most... 23. /dcc commands, such as /dcc send, ignore, etc. are now also handled in the form /dccsend, /dccignore, etc. - Why?
Things missing that I really wanted to see.... - Tree-like structure for the switchbar - enhanced dialogs - a pre-exit event that occurs before all disconnects and the final exit event - on :MIRCERROR: event (also stated by someone else) - Still not properly reading file sizes (with $file().size) over 4GB on NTFS partitions.
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Pan-dimensional mouse
Pan-dimensional mouse
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I know what you mean. I was counting on $duration to have an option for days.
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Ameglian cow
Ameglian cow
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Thumbs up all around.
This version says 6.1, which indicates minor incemental changes in functionality. The point about using new compiler is significant and probably explains the duration between the releases. Now that the code base is in the new format we can expect more significant changes in next releases.
Good choice: stabilise the code, fix the bugs, use current developent tools.
Well done Khaled.
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Pan-dimensional mouse
Pan-dimensional mouse
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Except he ended up creating more bugs. Previous mirc.hlp files don't work correctly anymore. I mean, the previous versions are in their own directories. I installed the new mIRC in a new directory, away from those other versions. Now my help files are damaged I believe. (I don't think this was an issue before. But if it was, please let me know.)
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Nutrimatic drinks dispenser
Nutrimatic drinks dispenser
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Could just be me, but I'm kinda disappointed with 6.1. Given the fact that it took over a year to complete, I was hoping more features that had been requested would have been added. It seems like this was a bug fix release more than anything else. Out of the 166 changes, 64 of them are bug fixes. I was expecting to see more of the things that have been requested a million times, of which I really see none other than the $rawtext addition. Agree. Though it's nice to finally see a new version, I thought it would never be released  Also the new "interface improvements" seem ackward and somewhat wrong. Like what is with the little "grips" next to the switchbar and toolbar? In every single other program I've ever seen, that means you can move the toolbars around, which I'd like to see, for example maybe I want the switchbar on top of the toolbar, however, in mIRC it appears they are just there for decoration. Agree. I'd have prefered new icons throughout tbh. I do however like the new log button on the toolbar, thats much easier than going into the options dialog each time, but other than that, I don't really like any of the new GUI changes I've noticed so far. Indeed. Oh and I especially hate that the checkmark to prevent the "about" dialog box from displaying each time you open mIRC was removed; that alone is enough for me to decide to stick with 6.03, at least for the time being. Yeh, for sure. It's annoying enough to stop me using 6.1.. I registered Klient during the long wait for this version, so I can't really afford to register mIRC now... Not that I would yet because to me, it still looks like a Windows 3.1 app (icons/gui). Which is why I registered Klient instead ;o I'm not saying I hate the new version, some of the new features seem nice, I'm just disappointed. I'll probably learn to like 6.1 in the future, but for right now, I think I'm going to stick with 6.03. Agree. Though since I run it only for my bot, which I hardly have to touch, I'll be using this version.
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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General comment:
Personally I think that all the hoo har over the toolbar grips is a bit much. I agree that more should have been done to mIRC in the engineroom however. Maybe an upcoming update to V6.1 will yield a result here as it is likely that V6.1 is just a test of how things will go with the EXE being compiled in VC++ rather than Borland.
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Nutrimatic drinks dispenser
Nutrimatic drinks dispenser
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Yeh, lets hope so  ... It's still very nice, just not as nice as I (and many others) were expecting ;/ Nice Work Khaled
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Self-satisified door
Self-satisified door
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Vogon poet
Vogon poet
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you cant use mirc because it dont let u do those two things? i know i want to edit mirc and change icons like i have done in the past but in not going to 6.03 because of it
_________ may death strike you.
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Fjord artisan
Fjord artisan
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I agree with you somewhat about the buttons. Also, I think the size of the buttons has been 'forced' somehow, Because under some of my XP visual styles, the button text no longer fits on the button... Under Classic all is ok.
I didn't presume mIRC had been worked on for a full year , I did anticipate more changes though. I expected that some dialog controls would be added also. Not because I want them added, but because I want them out of the way and off Khaled todo list, so he can work on interesting stuff like Arrays and For loops. Alas, we will have to wait longer for those things while Khaled works on the MDX type stuff now. Oh well a large part of dissapointment is due to the fact that we never know what is being worked on or what to expect, we are left to wonder.
The first thing I didn't like was not being able to drag my switchbar around anymore, but I can get used to that. I also played around with clicking and dragging the toolbar as the grips suggested that something should happen. Nothing happens.
I like the idea of the Color schemes thing though, and the debug switch that passes the line to the alias could be useful. It is hard to pin-point what exactly is the major new addition to this version?
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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The grip on the switchbar allows me to move it just fine.
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Fjord artisan
Fjord artisan
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Yes you can move it, but it's not the same as before.