now the problem is, on the get screen that pops up to show you the progress of the SAYS its saving to the right folder, the new one i just created. And the folder is created and is there... BUT MIRC still saves the file to the basic $getdir ...
any ideas why mirc is doing this? how to stop it? Z
ctcp *:dcc send*:*:{
[color:green] ; I use $ctime and not $time.[/color]
[color:green] ; Using $ctime has many advantages in what may come later on.[/color]
mkdir $+(",$getdir,$nick,$ctime,")
dcc get $+(",$getdir,$nick,$ctime,")
possible reasons: 1. mIRC didn't like spaces in your target path 2. : is not a valid character in a directoryname, so make sure you don't have them in your $time output
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