Hmm i have been playing around with Icon Libs for the past few days and can sortof help you out
I have a script i made and it uses icons stored in an *.icl file
Part of my script
[color:blue] icon 21, 2 128 16 16,[/color] [color:red]C:\Program Files\mIRC\ShadowDemon\scripts\mircscripts.icl[/color],[color:green] 0[/color]
[color:blue] icon 22, 19 128 16 16,[/color] [color:red]C:\Program Files\mIRC\ShadowDemon\scripts\mircscripts.icl[/color], [color:green] 1[/color]
[color:blue] icon 23, 36 128 16 16,[/color] [color:red]C:\Program Files\mIRC\ShadowDemon\scripts\mircscripts.icl[/color], [color:green] 2[/color]
[color:blue] icon 24, 53 128 16 16,[/color] [color:red]C:\Program Files\mIRC\ShadowDemon\scripts\mircscripts.icl[/color], [color:green] 3[/color]
I`ll try explain it best i can.
You set the icon up marked in
blue text and then the text marked
red is pointing to the mircscripts.icl. (of course you would use the name of the icl file you downloaded)
The numbers at the end of the *.icl file are the actual icons themselves that are stored in the library, so for example i had an icon in the lib that was mirc, that would point to index
0, and another icon of a clock would be index
1 and so on.
Ofcourse the number depends on how many icons are in the library, there may only be 5 icons or there maybe 10, just remember that the first icon is always 0 in the index number
If you need any extra help just ask again, and i`ll try explain better with a screen grab

mIRC V6.03