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t0xN Offline OP
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Self-satisified door
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proxys are a good way to stay anon on the internet.. i use them on irc and i need a little bit of help with making it autoconnect with it gets this message
* Firewall: Connection rejected
what i want it to do is try the next firewall in the list and so on until it finds a working proxy.. please help me if you can... i've checked the mirc help file and all it says is things about the /firewall command...
Thanks t0xN

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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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That sounds a bit dodgy to me.
Proxys are also a good way to break the servers rules.
Bringing clones onto the server and what not.

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t0xN Offline OP
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Self-satisified door
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nah dude its so i dont get packeted while im on servers that show ips... i tend to anger script kids for some reason...

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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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If those are open proxies, it is illegal. Basically what you are saying is, you don't want to be packeted, so instead, you will allow someone, who did not authorize you to use their system, to take the damage for you.

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t0xN Offline OP
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Self-satisified door
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i didnt say they were open smile btw this isnt a discussion on irc ethics i just want help. if you can't help me then <insults deleted by moderator>

Last edited by ParaBrat; 13/08/03 12:19 AM.
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Firstly, you could be disguising what you want to do, they could be OPEN. It is more than likely you will not get the help you acquire.
Secondly, in your opinion UnrealIRCd sucks, in many others it don't, I find it the best one I have tried. Mostly every server I have been on uses that IRCd so it can't suck that much if others use it, it is probably the best IRCd on the market today, and I would imagine it'd stay that way for a long, long time what with new releases and such.
Anyways, a similar post to this has already been made, however there was one slight alteration and that was simply how great UnrealIRCd is and how much you respect codemastr for all his hard work and effort. :tongue:

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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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nah dude its so i dont get packeted while im on servers that show ips...

that reminds me, how are big netowrks doing with this DCOM crap? I mean anyone with the code can find an ip that is in the mask and say "i wonder if it'll work on them". Not only that, the more "elite" ones will most likely do an on join event, and match if *.*.*.* iswm address, /run myexploit address them just for the hell of it.

Love script kiddies...

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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Judging by that reply, i am somehow not surprised you tend to anger ppl. Now, skip the insults, vulgarity and name calling, they have no place on this forum. However, IRC ethics DO have a place here regardless of your opinion to the contrary.

ParaBrat @#mIRCAide DALnet

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